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Embracing Sanity: Moms’ Guide to Nurturing Mental Health as Back-to-School Season Returns

Embracing Sanity
Moms' Guide to Nurturing Mental Health as Back-to-School Season Returns


Ah, the back-to-school season—a mix of excitement, relief, and a dash of chaos. As the calendar flips to that time of year when backpacks are packed and lunchboxes are filled, it’s not just the kids who need a game plan. Moms, it’s time to give yourself a pat on the back and a moment of peace. Juggling school supplies, extracurriculars, and the daily hustle can be overwhelming, but remember, your mental health matters too. Let’s explore some simple ways for you to keep your cool and embrace your own sanity during this back-to-school whirlwind.

  1. Prioritize “Me” Time: As a mom, your list of roles can seem endless. But remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Whether it’s a brisk morning walk, a few chapters of that novel you’ve been eyeing, or just savoring a quiet cup of coffee, carve out moments for yourself. It might seem like a luxury, but it’s an investment in your well-being that pays off in patience and energy.
  2. Connect with Fellow Moms: Chances are, you’re not alone in your back-to-school emotions. Reach out to other moms in your circle, whether it’s through a group chat, a playdate, or a coffee outing. Sharing experiences, swapping tips, and indulging in some good old-fashioned laughter can provide a soothing balm for the occasional parental stress. Remember- Calhoun County Mom has monthly Mom Meetups, an upcoming support group, and a private group on Facebook to connect with other moms in your season of life. Please message us with any resources you may need! 
  3. Set Realistic Expectations: The image of the Pinterest-perfect lunches and immaculately organized school corner is tempting, but it’s essential to set realistic expectations for yourself. You don’t need to be a superhero—your kids will thrive even without the elaborate lunch creations. Aim for progress, not perfection.
  4. Embrace Imperfection: In the quest for a smooth back-to-school transition, remember that hiccups are inevitable. Lost pencils, forgotten permission slips, and minor mishaps are part of the journey. Instead of letting them stress you out, practice the art of rolling with the punches. Your ability to adapt is a valuable lesson for your children too.
  5. Practice Mindfulness: In the hustle and bustle of school mornings, practicing mindfulness might sound like an oxymoron. But even amidst the morning rush, take a deep breath and ground yourself in the present moment. Mindful moments can be as simple as noticing the warmth of your cup of tea or the sound of rain on the windowsill.
  6. Delegate and Share Responsibilities: Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Be it your partner, older children, or even a helpful neighbor, don’t hesitate to delegate tasks and share responsibilities. A collaborative approach not only eases your burden but also instills a sense of teamwork within the family.
  7. Plan Mini Escapes: No, you don’t need a full-blown vacation (although that would be nice!). Plan mini escapes—a bubble bath after the kids are in bed, an evening yoga session, or a movie night with friends. These small getaways from routine can do wonders for your mental well-being. Check out our upcoming Saturday Social or Paint and Sip for an opportunity to connect with other moms. 

 As the school bell rings and backpacks are slung over eager shoulders, remember that this time of year doesn’t just signal a new chapter for your kids—it’s an opportunity for you to nurture your mental health as well. By prioritizing “me” time, connecting with fellow moms, and embracing imperfection, you’re setting the stage for a smoother, more balanced back-to-school season. So, here’s to you, supermom, for being the backbone of this exciting journey while still taking care of yourself!


Embracing Sanity
Moms’ Guide to Nurturing Mental Health as Back-to-School Season Returns