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Finding Balance: Life as a Work-From-Home Mom

Finding Balance
Finding Balance

Hey there, fellow moms and hustlers! Welcome to another candid chat about the juggling act that is working from home while being a super mom. Let’s dive right into the adventure of finding that elusive work-life balance that we all strive for.

Mornings: Coffee, Chaos, and Calendars

Ah, mornings. The time when the house is like a circus just waking up. There’s the mad dash to get breakfast ready, pack lunches, and ensure everyone is somewhat presentable. And let’s not forget about our daily caffeine ritual – a strong coffee to fuel the superhero within us.

One secret weapon to tackle this morning mayhem is having a well-organized calendar. Highlight important work tasks, virtual meetings, and your little one’s school events. Plan meals and snacks ahead of time to avoid last-minute meltdowns – both from you and your little munchkin.

Creating a Workspace Wonderland

Now, let’s talk about setting up your workspace. It’s tempting to work from the couch with your laptop balanced on one knee while your toddler uses your other leg as a race track. But trust me, creating a designated workspace can do wonders for your productivity and sanity.

Find a cozy corner where you can set up your laptop, pens, and sticky notes. Make it your own with some motivational quotes or a potted plant. Having a defined workspace helps you mentally switch between work mode and mom mode more easily.

Time Blocking: Because Time is Your BFF

Time blocking is like having a magical time-turner, just like Hermione from Harry Potter. Schedule chunks of time for focused work, playtime with your little one, and those oh-so-precious moments of self-care. It’s easy to get carried away with work, so treat your blocks as appointments you cannot miss.

During your work blocks, give your undivided attention to your tasks. And when it’s time to be mommy, stash away your work-related thoughts. Easier said than done, I know, but practice makes perfect.

Nap Time Hustle and the Power of Flexibility

Ah, nap time – that glorious oasis of productivity. This is your golden opportunity to tackle those tasks that require some serious concentration. Power through emails, make important phone calls, or maybe even sneak in a quick YouTube workout session to recharge your energy.

Flexibility is key in this game. Sometimes, work deadlines and temper tantrums align perfectly. Other times, your little one decides nap time is for making abstract art with their lunch. Embrace the chaos, adjust your schedule, and remember that not everything has to go as planned.

Self-Care: Because You Deserve It

Amidst the hustle and bustle, don’t forget about the most important person in this equation: you. Self-care isn’t just a buzzword; it’s essential for maintaining your sanity and happiness. Whether it’s stealing moments to read a chapter of that book you’ve been eyeing or taking a bubble bath at the end of a long day, self-care recharges your mom batteries.

Connecting and Commiserating

Lastly, remember that you’re not alone in this journey. Reach out to other work-from-home moms, either through our private Facebook group, our upcoming monthly support group, or our monthly moms night out. Sharing stories, tips, and the occasional venting session can make you feel understood and supported.

So there you have it, a glimpse into the wild yet rewarding adventure of being a work-from-home mom. It’s a journey filled with spilled coffee, giggles, spreadsheet sorcery, and the joy of witnessing your little one’s milestones. Embrace the chaos, find your rhythm, and remember that you’re doing an amazing job – both as a mom and as a hustler. Cheers to finding that balance!


Finding Balance
Finding Balance