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5K Run to Support Kidney Disease Awareness in Jacksonville

5K run to support kidney disease awareness

Jacksonville, AL – On Friday, march 31st from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm come out to the Jacksonville Community Center to support Support Kidney Disease Awareness and a local woman currently waiting for a kidney transplant.

Michelle Blankenship has been fighting kidney disease her entire life. Her nephrologist feels the only way for her to have any quality of life is to receive a kidney transplant and she is currently on the transplant list and waiting for her perfect match!
Michelle was born with her conditions: Renal Agenesis is when a baby is born with only one kidney and Vesicoureteral Reflux is an abnormal flow of urine from the bladder back into the ureters (the tubes that connect to your kidneys). Her one kidney is only functioning at 17% and her Dr. has said that this transplant is their last ditch effort to keep her alive. Michelle is a single mom of two young boys, Braylen(10) and Asher (9), who are her whole world and she has been putting on a brave face for them. Michelle is currently active on UAB transplant list for live or deceased donors. Her blood type is O+.

This 5K run is to support Michelle’s transplant and spread kidney disease awareness!. If you are unable to participate in run support cause by buying a t-shirt or visiting the GoFund Me page.


5K run to support kidney disease awareness

For more information, please contact the organizers. For a full list of local events click here

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