Happening Now

November 3, 2021  
Lee Evancho  

Work Session

  1. AHPC City Historic Resources Report
    1. Presentation by the Anniston Historic Preservation Commission –  A new report was created updated from the last 2007 report. Many new districts, mapping, and updated information has been included. A total of 47 listings are included. They are asking for approval for use of this document by city staff. 
  2. Towing Ordinance Amendment 
    1. Discuss amendment to Chapter 31, Article II of “The Code of the City of Anniston, Alabama, 1981,” governing Towing Services – Research was done on developing this current proposed ordnance. It includes the requirements as well as penalties. Specific details were discussed about body shops and rules about the vehicles there. 
  3. RoadPaving
    1. Discuss FY22 Proposed Paving Plan – Various concerns that were brought up in previous meetings were included in the new plan. 
  4. ProfessionalServicesAgreement
    1.  Professional Services Agreement with Studio A Design, LLC for proposed Noble Street Park and Streetscape Construction – The city is working on getting an actual number to present to the council. 
  5. Bid
    1. Bid for remodeling certain aspects of Fire Station #6 located at the Anniston Airport, 2504 Anniston Airport Boulevard. – The city was allocated a grant for training and supporting employees. 
  6. Alcohol License Application
    1. Application for a 010-Lounge Retail Liquor – Class I license for Fink Inc., d/b/a Partners Lounge located at 831 South Quintard Avenue in the corporate city limits – No issues to be discussed. 
  7. Cancel/Reschedule Council meeting
    1. Discuss cancelling or rescheduling the December 7, 2021 Council meeting due to that being the same night of the Anniston Christmas Parade – In an effort to not conflict with neighboring parades and events a suggestion was made to move the meeting to the 14th. 
  8. Councilman Roberts wanted to discuss the “children.” He asked what do we need to do to help support them. “We don’t support their successes enough.” Councilwoman Smith stressed that she agrees, but she thinks that should fall more on the school board. Councilman Roberts said he wasn’t talking so much about what they need; it was more about showing council support. “Go Falcons, Go Bulldogs.” He just feels the city needs to make more of an effort to show support. 

City Council Meeting

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
    • Mayor Jack Draper – Present
    • Ward 1 Councilman Jay Jenkins – Present
    • Ward 2 Councilman Demetric D. Roberts – Present
    • Ward 3 Councilwoman Ciara Smith – Present
    • Ward 4 Councilwoman Millie Harris – Present
    • Reading/Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting – Unanimously Approved 
  • Additions/Deletions to the Agenda – Unanimously Approved 
    • Addition to add to the consent agenda to reschedule December meetings
  • Public Hearing – No comments
    • Receive public comments regarding an application for a 010-Lounge Retail Liquor – Class I license for Fink Inc., d/b/a Partners Lounge located at 831 South Quintard Avenue in the corporate city limits

  • Unfinished Business – None
  • Consent Agenda – Unanimously Approved 
    • Additional or Other Matters that may come before council
    • Resolution declaring a reported condition to be a public nuisance Group 2021-06 Grass/Debris/Vehicles
    • Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Studio A Design LLC
    • Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Airport Rescue Grant Agreement Offer through the Federal Aviation Administration for Airport Rescue Grant No. 3-01-0008-038-2022
    • Motion to approve an application for a 010-Lounge Retail Liquor – Class I license for Fink Inc., d/b/a Partners Lounge located at 831 South Quintard Avenue in the corporate city limits
    • Motion to move the December 7th meeting to December 14th and cancel all other December meetings. 
  • Public Comments
    • Craig Waldron – He wanted to speak about the Back County Horseman of American. There are 750 adjacent acres that are very hilly. There is no sewer, water, or electric plans. He has two people interested in building horse communities. His request is that “they ask if they will vote for the land transfer of the land to the hours trails or the County.” 
  • Council Comments
    • Councilman Jenkins wanted to thank Jackson Hodges and Mainstreet on the success of Neewollah. He also wanted to congratulate Donoho on their success in the volleyball tournament. He also congratulated the Mayor’s daughter for being on that team. He also wanted to note that this was the one year anniversary of this council and he thanked everyone for their hard work. 
    • Councilman Roberts wanted to thank all the council members for their hard work. He also wanted to congratulate the Falcons on the state title win. He also wanted to ask that we pray for America. In Birmingham alone, there were two shootings. 
    • Councilwoman Smith wanted to give a shoutout to Karla Eden for the successful events on Main Street. She is taking Jackson Hodges place at this meeting due to Jackson getting married. She thanked the Public works director and Chief of Police who always answer questions and respond. She hopes she has been an asset to the city this year and hopes to continue to be. She also wanted to give a shoutout to all the schools and kids working so hard both public and private. She stressed the importance of having actionable plans in place to support the children of Anniston. 
    • Councilwoman Harris wanted to note that she feels a real difference at this point then she has in the past. She credits the cohesiveness of the council and the respect that is shown. She also wanted to congratulate the success of Neewollah. She also congratulated the sport success. She mentioned the success of the horse trails and urges a respectful conversation to be had on both sides. 
    • Mayor Draper wanted to thank all who form the council and thinks the whole city is coming together. He believes that this is very significant. He thought the win of Donoho is fantastic. He also is looking forwarded to the Bulldogs going into the playoffs. He thanked all who come to the meetings or view them virtually. 
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved
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