Happening Now
Everyone is welcome at the Calhoun County Journal

November 11, 2021  
Jim Evancho  

On April 1, 2021 we officially launched the Calhoun County Journal. We discussed how we could best serve the residents of Calhoun County and our many readers across the United States. It was a unanimous decision that we would report only the news without any spin or leaning in any direction. We understand that the community is made up of a wide variety of people with differing viewpoints. Because of this, we make sure to provide only the news and let our readers take from the stories what they choose. As a news source, we are not, ethically speaking, in a position to advise any one group “how to think.” Just like you, our writers have opinions, but we refuse to let them get in the way of producing the articles we write about. So whether it’s a man or woman, republican or democrat, pro-issue or anti-issue, we deliver the news in raw format for each person to come to their own conclusion or to create dialogue with others. 

Now, just seven month later, our readership has risen to over 23 thousand visits to our website each month. We have also seen a large growth in subscribers that choose to receive the Sunday recap of the week’s news or immediate breaking news. We are happy that we can provide the community with what they are looking for and listen to others when they offer advise or request more coverage in certain areas. 

Today we provide access to most events throughout the county in one easy location on our events page, keep you up to date with local government meetings and press releases, report on news events that affect the community, and will be starting our classified section before the end of the year. 

The Calhoun County Journal would like to thank each and every reader for their support. We started this as a free news source and remain committed to that. It is because of you that we have become stronger and we will strive to continue our growth to better serve our community. 

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