Happening Now
Joe Donahue
Joe Donahue

For many people watching their favorite TV show is a great way to relax.  Most do not think about the road traveled to make that TV show a reality.  One local man, Joe Donahue, is certainly learning exactly what it takes. Approximately two years ago Mr. Donahue decided to write a television script.  The idea was one that he had been thinking about for five years, but had never actually started working on. For about a year and half he worked on getting his ideas onto paper.  With the help of a professional team he had his work polished and ready to show.  The name of his series is “The Chameleon Stone Chronicles” and is based in Jacksonville, Alabama.  The series is a science fiction story combining elements from many popular shows and movies such as Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings as well as from literary greats such as Shakespeare.


One item that has never changed was Mr. Donahue’s vision. As he was putting his ideas in writing he always envisioned the actor, Jayson Warner Smith, known for his role as Gavin on “The Walking Dead”, as the lead character, although he had very little hope of getting the actor on board.   As it turns out the actor was launching a play in Atlanta and Mr. Donahue took the steps necessary to have a face-to-face meeting.  Mr. Donahue invested in the play and secured an invitation to the opening night and to the dress rehearsal.  While at the event, Mr. Donahue presented the script and asked if Smith would consider reading for the role.


Smith was very honest and blunt with Mr. Donahue and gave him some much-needed advice.  He stated that he didn’t feel comfortable getting involved with someone with no film experience. He recommended that he get a team behind him then come back and pitch it again.  While many would have been discouraged Mr. Donahue partnered with Long Leaf Industries and with Phillip Nobel, an Atlanta producer.  Now armed with this new team Mr. Donahue went back to Smith who quickly agreed to join the team. Another actor based in Atlanta, Heather Rule, was also approached to work with the project. Rule also agreed to help with a trailer episode.   


The first step towards producing a 10-15 minute trailer Mr. Donahue started gathering cost analysis information. “The process for making the trailer has been interesting”, Donahue stated.  The total coast is $50,000.  Instead of seeking one large investor the idea was to use crowd funding.  Allowing many contributors to give small amounts to secure the total needed.  The campaign is currently being hosted on Indiegogo, but the fundraising has only 20 days remaining and still has a considerable way to go to reach the goal. When asked what the next steps would be if the crowd funding goal wasn’t reached, Mr. Donahue advised that he would be approaching business, looking at grants, looking for sponsorships, and even be opening to marketing exclusivity deals.


One lingering question is WHY?  Why this television series, why film in Jacksonville, why invest in this long shot idea of local resident, Joe Donahue?  His resonse was quite simple and remarkable. “The why is simply because I love the story”, said Donahue. “This is a passion project and it’s something that I believe others will enjoy and really latch onto”. 


Mr. Donahue himself is a bit of an anomaly because he isn’t looking to join the Hollywood lifestyle. He has been very upfront with the fact that he has a job, a job he likes very much. He doesn’t need to maintain controlling rights or even be a staff writer.  He simply wants to get the series produced and see it on the television market. He would love to stay on board in an advisory capacity, but he doesn’t want to make this his fulltime station in life.  A Birmingham native, Mr Donahue came to Jacksonville for college and although education may have brought him here, it was love that kept him here.  He met his now wife and stayed here with her family. He firmly considers Jacksonville his home and would love to see this city reap the financial benefits similar to Senioa, GA where the Walking Dead was filmed. 


Mr. Donahue wanted to stress he can’t make any promises. If the TV series is picked up he may not have the final say in where it is filmed.  He wants it made in Jacksonville and will consider making it that a requirement if that is an available option.  He just doesn’t want to give false hope or make promises that he potentially can’t keep. One thing he does know is that if the trailer isn’t made there is a 0% chance of Jacksonville getting this opportunity.