May 11, 2021
Lee Evancho
On May 10th, 2021 a Townhall/Public hearing was called to discuss the proposed Frog Town Creekside Park. All city council members were in attendee as well as the Mayor. Tony Taylor started the town hall by reminding everybody that the City is hoping to develop an all inclusive park that is open to children and adults of all ages and abilities. The intent is to have a playground, dog park, and meditation areas. He also mentioned that they want to create a space that is unlike anything else in the county.
The council members were given a chance to make public statements and all declined. The town hall was then opened for public comments.
Diane Rollins wanted to stress that she had no issues with the park idea per se, but more with the layout. She was worried about parking and traffic issues on A Street. She thought it was possible to do a one way road and limit the traffic flow. She also wanted to know if it was possible to use a portion of the fields to have a corn hole or horseshoe areas. She also wanted to park relocated to the back areas away from the street. She went on to ask if there would be security cameras, extra lights, or manned security. She expressed concerns over existing activities that she has seen such as sexual encounters and items like used needles. She stated she does like the idea of a nice and safe park that the city can enjoy. She also had concerns with the dog park areas. She wanted to know if there would be separate areas for large and small dogs and who would maintain the cleaning of the dog park. Ms. Rollins also asked about the basketball courts that are right across the street and not in good condition. Tony Taylor stated that he hasn’t thought about them and that was good point. She also wanted to ask about the historic sign that the residents had paid for. She wanted to know if that would be moved or removed.
Mark Stephens spoke up to remind all in attendance that the city is currently in the process of hiring a design team. Three groups will be submitting ideas and these ideas should be reviewed by early June. He also stressed that no plans are set and there have been no decisions on layout, parking spots, or equipment. Before any plans are made, a survey will be completed and the design teams will be made aware of all the community concerns. As to concerns about the sign, he did state it might have to be moved slightly, but it would not be removed all-together. He also mentioned that Janis Burns and the Parks and Recreation team would be in charge of maintenance. He also asked Chief Wood to confirm that security would fall under JPD. Chief Wood did state that extra patrols will be made and that the normal rules of parks being closed at night would still be in place. There will also be extra lighting to help patrol officers have a better line of sight at night.
Peggy Potter also stated that she was not opposed to a park. She did reference a petition she submitted to the city against the park. She just stated she did not want another Germania Springs in an area where she owns 14 homes. She was very clear that she wanted the parking and bathrooms in the back and away from the residential areas, She also wanted to know what the plans were for cleaning and maintaining the bathrooms and park. She does want something nice such as a picnic area, but feels the current draft isn’t safe with the playground so close to the road. She thinks a garden area might be better off in the front. She also stressed again the concern of bad behavior and that it would be bad for the residents of the area and the property owners.
Brandy Wine Reyes spoke to say she would love to have an all inclusive playground. She thinks it would be “awesome” and shared that she has a ten year old with down syndrome. She stated that having a enclosed park would be a requirement for her to feel safe for her son. If the current layout was used without fencing she would not be comfortable allowing her son to play that close to the road. She also wanted to discuss the importance of quality equipment and surfacing. She shared how the current Kitty Stone playground is not accessible for children with mobility issues and made a plea to consider ease of access and ability to move, but that she was very excited.
Ross Martin is an associate professor at JSU. He is in the Geology department and also a member of the National Biking Association. He wanted to take a moment to share the importance of cycling to be factored into the park planning. He shared that many trails connect to other points and that encourages cyclists to stop and camp or stay overnight in the area. He also shared that bike repair stations were around $1,500 and could be included with the playground. He shared a new concept that is growing in popularity are bike playgrounds for kids as young as toddlers. He then switched topics and wanted to focus on potential erosion issues with the park. The park is very close to the creek and rocks are currently placed as a means to slow erosion. His concerns is that kids will want to play on the rocks and that will lead to greater erosion issues. The creek will need to be protected.
After public comments closed the city council made several remarks. Tony Taylor thanked all who spoke up and stated he appreciated the input. He also reiterated that the park would be manned and maintained by the Parks and Recreation Department. Sherry Laster asked what the city liability would be for the park and particularly the dog park. Tony Taylor stated that it would be the same liability as is currently in place for Germania Springs. Coty Gallaway and Janis Burns spoke to state that there have been little to no issues at Germania Springs. Janis Burns went on to explain that leashes are required until the dog is in the large park. Owners at required to stay with their dogs at all time. Poop bags are provided at the dog park and at stations along the trail. Ms. Rollins spoke up again to remind the city council that Germania Springs is not in a residential areas so maintenance will be even more important to that residential community.
The Mayor thanked everyone again for the comments and participation. He also went on to remind all that no park plans are currently made. The City will be accepting proposals and once a plan has been chosen, there will be another town hall to present the proposal. The city is working to be very transparent about all stages of this project.
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