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Secretary of State Wes Allen Comments on Trump Trial Verdict

statement from Secretary of State Wes Allen on Today's Verdict in the Trump Trial

Montgomery, AL – Secretary of State Wes Allen issued a statement following the verdict in the Trump trial, emphasizing the importance of the judicial system’s appeals process. He stated, “The verdict is a perfect example of why our judicial system has an appeals process in place. It is a fail safe for every American citizen against errors made in the court system. Every citizen has a right to a fair appeal and President Trump’s appeals case should be a slam dunk for any unbiased and fair appellate court.” Allen described the current verdict as a “travesty of justice” and predicted it would not stand, asserting, “It is obvious to anyone paying attention that today’s verdict is a travesty of justice. This verdict will not stand!”

Allen’s comments reflect his belief in the necessity of the appeals process to address potential judicial errors and his confidence in a successful appeal for President Trump.

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