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This is concerning the illicit fetenayl overdose rose by 720% in 2023 to 2024 .Prescription medication for Pain patients at this moment is out of stock ,suppliers like Camber Pharmaceutical was made to stop producing this medication that I once was getting. THE Potency of other medications for Pain have been cut of these medications by 25%,-To the Alabama state house senator whom recently in the Calhoun Journal stated 71 million died from Prescription medication which is untrue and is calling for Federal legislation to protect elders from overdoses from Prescription medication, The lawsuits from opioidlitigationlawsuit.com under Excibit P is basically forcing these elders to the streets and many other patients with complex Pain Adhesive Arachnoiditis CRPS, so how is it a law enforcement Attorney General Steve Marshall is practicing medicine without a license. The Americans with Disabilities Act prevents any entity from tapering, altering, deny Pain Medication is in Violation of the Constitution .It is a basic civil right .so redact the false information. I HAVE THE PROOF PRINTED OUT OF THE ACTUAL FACTS TO BE USED IN A COURT OF LAW ,A COUNTY IN ARIZONA WHERE A PAIN PATIENT WHOM HAS BEEN HARMED BY THE LIES ,ONCE THE JUDGE READS THE 100 PAGES AND SETS THE COURT DATE THE PAIN PATIENTS HAVE HAD IT WITH LIARS AND WE ARE FIGHTING BACK WITH THE POWER OF TRUTH, AND THE CONSTITUTION, ITS A BASIC CIVIL RIGHT GIVEN BY OUR CREATOR LIFE,LIBERTY, AND HAPPINESS. IN THE PAST TEN YEARS THEY HAVE BEEN MORE AMERICANS KILLED THAN ALL WARS AMERICA HAS FOUGHT IN .
*All Letters to the Editors are Opinion Pieces Submitted by readers.
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