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Alabama Secretary of State John H. Merrill Joins Joint Letter to Biden Administration

Alabama Secretary of State John H. Merrill Joins Joint Letter to Biden Administration

Montgomery. AL – Last week, Alabama Secretary of State John H. Merrill and 14 other Secretaries of State sent a joint letter to President Joe Biden asking him to rescind Executive Order 14019.

The letter states, “Executive Order 14019 was issued without Constitutional authority nor Congressional approval. Executive Order 14019 calls for federal agencies to develop plans that duplicate voter registration efforts conducted at the state level and ignores codified procedures and programs in our state constitutions and laws.

“If implemented, the Executive Order would also erode the responsibilities and duties of the state legislatures to their situational authority within the Elections Clause.”

Secretary Merrill stated, “Not only is the administration of the election process a responsibility delegated to the states by the U.S. Constitution, but these unique policy decisions are best left to state officials. President Biden’s Executive Order 14019 is another example of the federal overreach and this administration’s attempt to federalize the election process.”

The full letter is below. If you have questions about the letter, please contact the Secretary of State’s Communications Department at (334) 242-0447.


August 3, 2022

President Joe Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20500

SUBJECT: Rescind Executive Order 14019 Dear President Biden:

As the chief election officials for our respective states, we ask you to rescind Executive Order 14019.

Our United States Constitution provides, “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed by each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.” As the supreme law of the land, the Constitution clearly says the state legislatures shall (emphasis added) prescribe the way elections are run, and that if any adjustments need to be made, such adjustments are the province of Congress, not the Executive branch.

Therefore, Executive Order 14019 was issued without Constitutional authority nor Congressional approval. Executive Order 14019 calls for federal agencies to develop plans that duplicate voter registration efforts conducted at the state level and ignores codified procedures and programs in our state constitutions and laws.

Involving Federal agencies in the registration process will produce duplicate registrations, confuse citizens, and complicate the jobs of our county clerks and election officials. If implemented, the Executive Order would also erode the responsibility and duties of the state legislatures to their situational duty within the Election Clause.


John Merrill, Alabama Secretary of State

Cord Byrd, Florida Secretary of State

 John Thurston, Arkansas Secretary of State

Brad Raffensberger, Georgia Secretary of State

Lawrence Denney, Idaho Secretary of State

Kyle Ardoin, Louisiana Secretary of State

Christi Jacobsen, Montana Secretary of State

Frank LaRose, Ohio Secretary of State

Tre Hargett, Tennessee Secretary of State

 Holli Sullivan, Indiana Secretary of State

Michael Watson, Mississippi Secretary of State

Bob Evnen, Nebraska Secretary of State

Steve Barnette, South Dakota Secretary of State

Mac Warner, West Virginia Secretary of State

Ed Buchanan, Wyoming Secretary of State

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