Happening Now

October 20, 2021  
Lee Evancho  

Work Session

  • The meeting began with a warm birthday greeting to Chief Nick Bowles.
  • Audit ending FY2020
    • Presentation of draft Audit for Fiscal Year 2020. 
  • Formation of Airport Authority
    • Resolution approving an Application Seeking Permission to Incorporate an Airport Authority and Authorizing such Incorporation
      • The Mayor addressed that biggest issue was finding funding. He felt that if this resolution passed, funding could be secured and would be very beneficial to the region. 
      • Councilman Smith asked for details on the Authority. She wanted to understand what the city was actually authorizing in the formation of this board. Mayor Draper said it would involve the Chamber, JSU, and both cities. Once the board is formed the authority would then begin seeking additional funds and determine an executive officer. Councilwoman Harris thanked all those that were a part of making this work. She also felt that the cooperation and partnership between neighbors was a good thing. Councilman Jenkins also stated how excited he was about the cooperation between  Anniston, Oxford, JSU, and the Chamber.
  • Proposed Property Acquisition
    • 815 W 10th Street proposed property acquisition for the purpose of accessing Snow Creek to perform ALDOT required bridge maintenance to the West 10th street bridge. 
      • This bridge has only one access point and the city is working with the owner about an easement. The Property owner is more interested in selling the property to the city verses and easement. 
  • Request to purchase Real Property
    • Request from Matthew Fanaei to purchase real property from the City of Anniston. 
      • Mr. Fanaei spoke about his project. The property is still being cleaned and trees removed. It is progressing.He also purchased a building at the corner of Noble street that can have commercial usage on the bottom and residential on the top. The issue is that there is no parking. The city owns a parking lot with 14 spots. He cannot move forward without parking. He would like to purchase the parking lot from the city to move forward with his residential development project.
        • Councilman Jenkins said there was something on the books that could be reviewed to look into valuation for sale or longterm leasing. He encouraged this to be reviewed so they could see what the city’s options are. Mr. Fanaei stated that only an outright purchase would be beneficial to him. A long-term lease would be harmful if he decided to sell in the future. 
  • Bids for Resurfacing
    • Discuss estimate bids for resurfacing of West 151⁄2 Street
      • This street is in Councilman Roberts’s Ward. He felt this would be beneficial to the residents on this street. Councilwoman Harris also requested another location to be looked at for resurfacing as well.
  • Fire Hydrant Installation
    • Resolution directing the installation of a fire hydrant at the intersection of Mountainside Boulevard and Mountainside Circle
  • Alcohol License Application
    • Discuss a Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) alcohol license application for James D. Hibbitts d/b/a Dixie Mart located at 20 Virginia Avenue North in the police jurisdiction
  • Public Nuisances
    • Group 2021-06 Grass/Debris/Vehicles – no discussion
  • Amendment Pay and Classification Plan
    • Amending the Pay and Classification Plan to include “Graphics and Marketing Coordinator”
      • This position has been classified as secretarial and the city manager felt it should be a different classification. This would be a new classification, but not a new position.  There is also no impact on budget. 
  • City Manager updates
    • Request the City commit $35,000.00 to the Force Factory Project at the Museum to reach the goal of $500,000
      • Mr. Folks stated they were ahead of schedule with fundraising and they are only $35,000 from goal. If the city could commit these funds the museum could start and begin putting this into action. 
        • Councilman Jenkins was in support of this contribution.
        • Councilwoman Harris also felt this was a good decision.
    • Mr. Folks recently toured the Federal Courthouse and Councilwoman Harris encouraged all who had not seen it to go and view it. 

Council Meeting

  • Mayor Draper welcomed Oxford Mayor Craft to the meeting.
  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
    • Mayor Jack Draper – Present
    • Ward 1 Councilman Jay Jenkins – Present
    • Ward 2 Councilman Demetric D. Roberts – Present
    • Ward 3 Councilwoman Ciara Smith – Present
    • Ward 4 Councilwoman Millie Harris – Present
  • Reading/Approval of Minutes – Unanimously Approved
    • October 5, 2021 Regular Meeting
    • October 7, 2021 Special Called Meeting
  • Additions/Deletions – Unanimously Approved
    • Additions to consent agenda
      • $35,000 for Force Faculty
      • Halloween Formally voted on October 30th
  • Public Hearing – Vacating the areas from W 14th through Lot 10. – No comments
  • Unfinished Business – None
  • Consent Agenda – Unanimously Approved
    • Resolution directing the installation of a fire hydrant
    • Motion to award bid for the demolition of three (3) substandard structures to EMTEK in the amount of $29,500.00
    • Motion to approve a Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) alcohol license application for James D. Hibbitts d/b/a Dixie Mart located at 20 Virginia Avenue North in the police jurisdiction
    • Motion to approve an amendment to the Pay and Classification Plan to include “Graphics and Marketing Coordinator”
    • Halloween formally to be celebrated on the 30th
    • $35,000 to be allowed to the Museum for the Force Factory Construction.
  • Ordinances 
    • Ordinance adopting Chapter 11, Article II, Division 1, Section 11.13.1 of the Code of Ordinances Regarding Maintenance and Reporting of Fire and Life Safety Records 2nd Reading – Unanimously Approved
    • Ordinance adopting Chapter 34, Article VI of the Code of Ordinances to require registration of vacant properties 2nd Reading – Unanimously Approved
    • Ordinance declaring interest in real property to be surplus and authorizing termination of Reverter Clause 2nd Reading – Unanimously Approved
  • Resolutions
    • Resolution authorizing Professional Services and Technology Agreement with Brycer, LLC – Unanimously Approved
    • Resolution authorizing Professional Services and Technology Agreement with MuniReg, LLC – Unanimously Approved
    • Resolution vacating a portion of West 14th Street alley extending through Lot 10 – Unanimously Approved
    • Resolution approving an application seeking permission to incorporate an Airport Authority and authorizing such incorporation – Unanimously Approved
      • This same measure was passed in Oxford last week. 
  • Additional or other matters that come before the Council – none
  • Public Comments – none
  • Council Comments
    • Councilman Jenkins thanked Mayor Draper and Mayor Craft for working to move this authority forward. He also wanted to extend his condolences to the family of Stan Rooks.
    • Councilman Roberts wanted to comment on the murders and mass shootings, “We hear about on the radio everyday.” He referenced a mass shooting at a homecoming where 8 were shot and injured and one lost their life. He wanted to say how senseless this is. He also mentioned that he visited Huntington College where an Anniston employee was inducted into the Hall of Fame. He wanted to say how proud he is that a local Anniston resident and employee achieved this success.
    • Councilwoman Smith wanted to extend her thoughts to the family of Stan Rooks and hoped it would be a reminder to maintain COVID safety procedures. She also wanted to note the achievement of the Hall of Fame induction. She transitioned to discussing that the Anniston Bulldogs  beat the number one team this past Friday. She wanted to say how proud she was of the Bulldogs. She also wanted to really say how impressive she felt it was that the Mayors worked together so well.
    • Councilwoman Harris notes she was being redundant, but she wanted to thank both Anniston and Oxford for working together. She also thanked Mayor Draper and Mayor Craft. She also extended her sincere condolences to Stan Rooks’s family and to the Anniston Police Department. She noted how hard he worked and complemented him on his dedication to animal control. 
    • Mayor Draper wanted to extend his condolences to Officer Rooks’s family. He also congratulated Anniston on their win. He complemented Donoho on their upcoming regional volleyball tournament in Huntsville. He thanked Oxford for their partnership with the Airport Authority. 
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved
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