Happening Now
Anniston Council

January 19, 2022  
Lee Evancho  

Work Session

  1. Retail Strategies Update
    1. Retail Strategies will present an update to Council
      1. Two representatives presented. This is the sixth year of partnership. They went over their goals. Aldi was mentioned as one of their successes. They are encouraged that this will help fuel additional businesses coming in. There are still businesses looking to come to Anniston and expressing interest. Examples are coffee, general merchandise, a hamburger business, and a healthcare businesses.  
  2. Project Contract
    1. Contract for the Golden Spring Drainage Project with Gonzalez – Strength & Associates, Inc. (GSA)
      1. A basic overview is to do a study to see how to eliminate the known issues. A basic survey has been completed and included in an information packet with a cost estimate. Jay Jenkins was concern about some of the fees that aren’t traditionally included. He also wanted to know what the onsite involvement would be. It was noted this was an all inclusive contract and they city would not be relying on outside engineering firm in addition as they have in the past. 
  3. Anniston Fire Training Center Expansion
    1. Proposal to purchase additional property for Anniston Fire Training Center expansion
      1. Chief Waldrep spoke about the space needed for an EMT program for the seniors as well as other opportunities. To expand the program space is required. Jay Jenkins noted the potential revenue stream from expanding would pay for itself almost immediately as well as enhancing the services offered to the community. DD Roberts asked about expending programs for citizens. The Chief said he through that was a good idea and he would like to build those programs up too.
  4. Alcohol License Application
    1. Restaurant Retail Liquor License application for Coldwater Mountain Brew Pub, LLC d/b/a Coldwater Mountain Brew Pub located at 1208 Walnut Avenue within the corporate city limits. – No questions
  5. Bids
    1. Evaluation of bids for CDBG Substandard Structures – Group 2022-01 CDBG 
  6. Policy & Procedure Manual Amendment and Holiday amendment
    1. Revisions to Paid Time Off Procedure – Section D and Section F(2)
    2. Juneteenth City Holiday (1). Instead of a holiday that occurs on a Saturday, the Friday immediately before is a legal public holiday for Juneteenth.
  7. Councilman Jenkins items
    1. Economic Development Study Horse Trails
      1. $7,500 has been budgeted by the city and the County Commission. He would like to get this on the agenda to start doing this study now. The request is to add it to the consent agenda tonight. Millie Harris agreed and stated how huge this is and she would like to know the potential. 
  8. City Manager updates
    1. City of Anniston HOME ARP Funding Allocation – He felt that whatever decisions we’re made should impact the whole city. This project would be building 16 units of new affordable housing. The timeframe is 18 months from approval. The funding would from HOME ARP federal funding. The total cost would be $1.2 million. These homes would fall in the White Plains school district. There was much debate on this investment being made outside of the city limits. It was also noted that the property owner would like to make this property part on the City of Anniston if this would be possible. 

City Council 

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
    • Mayor Jack Draper – Present
    • Ward 1 Councilman Jay Jenkins – Present
    • Ward 2 Councilman Demetric D. Roberts – Present
    • Ward 3 Councilwoman Ciara Smith – Present
    • Ward 4 Councilwoman Millie Harris – Present
  • Reading/Approval of Minutes of Past Meeting – Unanimously Approved
  • Additions/Deletions to the Agenda – Unanimously Approved with addition below
    • ADD:  Motion to commit previously budged funds to an Economic Study for the McClellan Horse Trails
  • Public Hearing(s)
    • To hear public comments over-ruling the abatement of identified public nuisances. Group 2021-07 – Grass/Debris/Vehicle – No comments
    • To hear public comments regarding vacating a portion of Walnut Avenue – No comments
    • To hear public comments regarding an alcohol license application for Cheaha  Mountain Brew Pub
      •  Jason Wilson, owner of the Brew Pub spoke. He has been working hard for the last seven months to rehabilitate this property. The ABC license is hoping to be received within a week. He also hopes to start brewing within a week of receiving that license. He is excited about the chef and team that has been assembled. He hopes to be open by mid-February. Millie Harris asked if they are taking reservations. Mr. Wilson said that they will not be taking reservations, but they have 350 seats both inside and outside so they don’t anticipate accommodations being an issue. 
  • Unfinished Business – None
  • Consent Agenda – Unanimously Approved
    • Resolution over-ruling objections to the abatement of identified nuisances Group 2021-07
    • Resolution declaring a reported condition to be a public nuisance Group 2022-01
    • Resolution amending Resolution 21-R-47 designating Juneteenth as a City holiday
    • Motion to approve the bid for the purchase of one (1) 2022 Super Duty F-250 or comparable model for the Police Department to Sunny King Ford in the amount of $66,165.00
    • Motion to approve the bid for fabrication of the Anniston Museum of Natural History hands- on exhibit Force Factory to Southern Customs Exhibits in the amount of $439,924.00
    • Motion to approve a Restaurant Retail Liquor license application for Coldwater Mountain Brew Pub LLC d/b/a Coldwater Mountain Brew Pub located at 1208 Walnut Avenue within the corporate city limits
    • Motion to amend Policy and Procedure Manual Section (D) Reimbursement of Accumulated Leave to state: Upon retirement or separation from employment in good standing from City service, employees who have completed at least six (6) months of service shall be paid all accrued but unused PTO hours and shall be entitled to be paid for one-half of their accumulated Paid Critical Leave (PCL) up to a maximum of 600 hours). Employees who are discharged for cause or who quit without the required minimum of two (2) weeks- notice shall forfeit their accrued PTO hours and accumulated PCL.
    • Motion to amend Policy and Procedure Manual Section F (2) to state: Employees who are discharged for cause or who quit without the required minimum of two (2) weeks-notice shall forfeit their PCL hours
    • Motion to commit previously budged funds to an Economic Study for the McClellan Horse Trails
  • Resolutions
    • Vacating a portion of Walnut Avenue from W 12th Street to W 13th Street – Unanimously Approved as amended
    • Amended that reflect the Terminus point the north end of 12th Street
  • Additional or Other Matters – None
  • Public Comments – None
  • Council Comments
    • Jay Jenkins – Thank you to all who are willing to invest in Anniston. Thank you also to the staff that works as well.
    • DD Roberts – Thank you to the staff and those that come to the meetings. the council is  trying to educate the city on what the council is working to do. He also encouraged those with questions and concerns please give the council a call. 
    • Ciara Smith – Thank you all for coming. She stated the most persistent and urgent question she has is what will Anniston to be known for?  Will it be known for crime or family friendly venue. This needs to be a focus. It also needs to be a conversation to be considered moving forward with development. To aide in this she will be holding a Town Hall on Thursday the 27th at 5:00 pm at South Highland Community Center.
    • Millie Harris – It is great to see Anniston turning the corner and see all the new things happen. She also wanted to thank Parks and Recreation for their help at the warming stations  and all the volunteers who are bringing donations and giving their time.
    • Mayor Draper – Thank you to all for participating. We really do all have a feel that things are changing. 
  • Motion – Unanimously Approved
    • Motion to convene an Executive Session for the Council to discuss with the City Attorney the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated, and/or controversies imminently likely to be litigated if the governmental body pursues a proposed course of action.
  • Meeting was reconvened after the Executive Session. The meeting was to discuss Overwood Litigation that the city filed a few years ago. 
  • Motion sign a settlement agreement the State of Alabaman and Endo Solution INC and Endo Pharmaceutical INC – Unanimously Approved
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved
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Anniston City Council