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Anniston Viewed as the “Crime Capital of Calhoun County” Discussed at the Work Session 6/7/22

Anniston City Council

Anniston, AL – The Anniston city council meeting and work session were held on June 7, 2022.


Work Session

  1. Alcohol License Applications
    1. Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) Retail Table Wine (Office Premises Only) for 18 Quintard Shell LLC – No discussion 
    2. Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) Retail Table Wine (Office Premises Only) for 202 Shell LLC – No discussion 
  2. Board Appointments
      1. Stanley Jackson – Zoning Board of Adjustments – reappointment
      2. Undrea Gladden – Zoning Board of Adjustments – appointment
        1. It was verified that Ms. Gladden would be present tonight.
      3. Jeanne Hollingsworth – Zoning Board of Adjustments – reappointment
      4. Chip Howell – Zoning Board of Adjustments – reappointment
      5. Patrick Wigley – Zoning Board of Adjustments – reappointment
  3. Bids
    1. Evaluation of bids for the Glen Addie Community Center Slope Stabilization
  4. Grant Application
    1. Discussion the submission of a grant application for federal financial assistance under Section 5310 of the Federal Transit Act Amendments of 1991 available through ALDOT
      1. Per Mr. Folks he explained that the city was going to get a $56,000 van and just have to pay $13,115. The city will have tp it in the budget to pay it off at 13,000.
  5. Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2022
    1. Resolution supporting the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) process
      1. These are the requirements for applying for funding. It is the standard to be able to continue this process.
  6. Reallocation of CDBG funds
    1. Proposed amended 2018, 2019, & 2020 Action Plans for reallocation of uncommitted CDBG funds to World Changers for cost of home repair projects materials
      1. There are funds that have not been used. There was not a chance to them to put in the budget or put in the money CDBG. The proposal is to use money that’s already been allocated for this purpose, but is not needed anymore and move it to another place for world changes so the products can be done for work taking on new customers. There have been 93 applicants and seven that have been selected. That work has been slated to start July 7th or soon after.
  7. There was also a conversion on how to address the recent shooting and how best to equip the police to head this type of situation off before it results in a shooting. Councilwoman Smith noted this could have ended in 20 dead. She also noted that that there has been a breeding ground of violence and that must stop. She specifically addressed the drug trafficking and violent crimes. She would like to have a meeting with Chief Bowles to discuss ordinances that are in place. These would not just be noise ordinances, but in utilizing an existing a 90 day rule that could be expanded if there are two criminal acts committed the business is shutdown and stays closed in a corrective action plan is created the issue. She is seeking the support from the council in moving forward with proactive changes that can help prevent this type of tragedy from happening. Councilman Jenkins stated that this was initially created for housing complaints and he thinks it would be good to extended it to clubs or businesses that are having persistent criminal activity. His does think that there has to be due process built in before a business can just ben shutdown or a resident evicted. He does support the idea, but thinks it really needs to be looked at carefully before it is put in place. A suggestion was made by the city Attorney to build these expectations into the business license and that may be simpler than changing the existing ordinance. The general consensus was that something needs to be put in place, but it needs to be reviewed and very clearly laid out. The city attorney will review case law. Councilman Roberts noted that Rack and Roll had two deaths and that can’t be ignored. The desire is to curb violence. Anniston is often viewed as the “Crime Capital of Calhoun County” per Councilman Roberts. Councilwoman Smith stressed that there has to be more addressing of underage drinking, smoking, and refusing police entry have to looked at before shooting happen. She referred to the Hookah Lounge in Jacksonville that was shutdown based on violations. The plan is to have something for the council to review within 30 days.

City Council Meeting

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
    • Mayor Jack Draper – Absent
    • Ward 1 Councilman Jay Jenkins – Present
    • Ward 2 Councilman Demetric D. Roberts – Present
    • Ward 3 Councilwoman Ciara Smith – Present
    • Ward 4 Councilwoman Millie Harris – Present
  • Reading/Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting – Unanimously Approved
  • Additions/Deletions to the Agenda – None
  • Adoption of Agenda – Unanimously Approved
  • Board of Confirmation Hearing
    • Under Gladden – Zoning Board of Adjustments
      • Councilwoman Smith appointed Ms. Gladden. She also thanked her for being willing to serve in this capacity.
  • Public Hearing
    • To hear public comments an application for permit to conduct bingo games in Calhoun County, Alabama at 33 Old Gadsden Hwy, Anniston, AL 36201 for 7 Springs Ministries – No comments
    • To hear public comments regarding the City of Anniston applying to the Alabama Department of Transportation for a federal capital funding Award under Section 5310 of the Federal Transit Act for the purpose of helping meet the transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities in the City of Anniston – No comments
  • Unfinished Business – None
  • Consent Agenda – Unanimously Approved
      • Resolution appointing member(s) to the Zoning Board of Adjustments
      • Resolution endorsing East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2022 (CEDS)
      • Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for financial assistance under Section 5310 of the Federal Transit Act Amendments of 1991
      • Motion to approve a Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) application for 18 Quintard Shell LLC d/b/a 18 Quintard Shell located at 1731 Quintard Avenue within the corporate city limits
      • Motion to approve a Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) application for 202 Shell LLC d/b/a 202 Shell located at 720 Quintard Avenue within the corporate city limits
  • Motions
    • Motion to approve a Bingo Permit to 7 Springs Ministries located at 33 Old Gadsden Hwy, Anniston, Alabama 36201
      • Motion for a conversation was approved. An additional motion was made to suspend the rules to allow a conversation.
        • Daniel Hughes spoke to the plan he had and how bingo would be run. He stated that Bingo would only be open two nights a week and those profits would go back into the skating rink. He also discoed profits being used for classes and full entertainment facility. The skating would not be taken away.
        • Councilman Jenkins brought up life safety issues. He stated that requirements for change of occupancy then a life safety plan has to be submitted for review. This has not been done so he has concerns. Mr. Hughes stated the state fire marshall reviewed the skate plan. Councilman Jenkins said he understood what has been reviewed, but the occupancy has changed by adding bingo and that has not been reviewed under local rules and regulations. The council’s responsibility is to make sure all businesses follow safety guidelines. Mr. Hughes said he is more than willing to comply and if there was miscommunication he is happy to go back and work through that. He thought since the state fire Marshall had reviewed it that was in compliance. He now understands that that local levels have to review it as well. He did speak to the Mayor and City Manager so again he thought he had followed the guidelines. Councilman Jenkins the made a motion to table this motion at this time. – Motion to Table was passed
  • Additional or Other Matters That May Come Before the Council – None
  • Public Commets
    • Margaret Matthews – 210 Poplar Street – Not present so no public comments
  • Council Comments
    • Councilman Jenkins – He wanted to take this time to acknowledge Mr. Raymond Irvin won the Gold Medal in the National Special Olympics. He encouraged all to congratulate him if they see him.
    • Councilman Roberts – He also congratulated Mr. Irvin for the award. He also wanted to note all the useless shootings and violence. He also wanted to note there are many positive things in Anniston and he just asked for prayers for all.
    • Councilwoman Harris – Councilwoman Harris wanted to thank vice-mayor Harris for championing changing the ordinances and taking a harder look at preventing crime in the city. She also wanted to thank the Fire Department for putting out a residential fire and just wanted to note what fine fireman we have. She also wanted to commend the police department for helping her today on a personal matter. She stated that it all adds up and there are great citizens in this city.
    • Councilwoman Smith – She also wanted to thank you the police for helping her. She also reminded all that there is a upcoming Juneteeth event coming up. She also thanked everyone for coming out.
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved

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