Calhoun County Gardening – Ornamental Beans: Lilac Blooms and Purple Pods for Gardens and Decor

Calhoun County, AL – I grow after the last frost and ornamental bean that produces tiny lilac-colored blooms. After the blooms the purple seed pods appear, dangling and lovely. Once the beans are planted they quickly in direct sunshine grow upward to 15 feet vines. The vines are loaded with tiny blooms that look like […]
Calhoun County Gardening – Mastering Angel Trumpet Cuttings: Heritage Tips for Rooting and Winter Care

Calhoun County, AL – To start I have to say (1) use only the woody, sturdy stalks because the green/limber top pieces mold quicker in the water in the mason jar, (2) no short pieces, as you see in the photo my cuttings are almost the height of the jar, but most people say at […]
Secrets to Growing Stunning Bearded Iris: Planting Depth, Dividing Tips, and Bloom Boosting Tricks

Calhoun County, AL – I have several colors of Bearded iris: Plant the rhizome so that the top is just above the soil or barely visible. Planting too deep can result in few or no flowers. The taboo to not plant too deep & not cover the top of the rhizomes seems like an oxymoron. Most gardeners are […]
Calhoun County Gardening – Hardy Outdoor Potted Plants: Surviving Freezes

Calhoun County, AL – What Plants In Pots Outdoors Survive Freezes? By Betty Clark 10.28.24 . . . The following plants have survived blackberry freezes since 2019. I am zone 7b. Inside pots outdoors I grow albo hostas with lady ferns in twin gray pots. The hostas & ferns die back but return every spring. […]
Calhoun County Gardening – My Favorite Harvested Seeds: A Guide to Tall Blooms and Vibrant Colors for Your Garden

Calhoun County, AL – I am sharing my favorite seeds that I harvest yearly. Castor Beans are seeds that can grow to over 7 feet tall in hot weather. Castor Beans produce wine/bronze stalks with leaves contrasting nicely with red, yellow, and orange flower colors. Orange Tickseed can grow in the sun to over 9 […]
Calhoun County Gardening – Creative Garden Art on a Budget: Uncovering Hidden Gems in Salvage Yards and Flea Markets

Calhoun County, AL –I seek out garden art in out-of-the-ordinary places. Such as I go to salvage yards where you can find iron and metal objects. I found 3 cattle panels that I used rebar to stand the panels vertically. I paid $5.00 for each iron cattle panel. Compare that to retail prices at the […]
Calhoun County Gardening – Winterizing Garden Spaces: Preparing Pots, Raised Beds, and Soil for a Healthy Spring

Calhoun County, AL –October is a wonderful month to organize your gardening areas. The cooler temperatures help gardeners with a boost of energy! The priority in October is to monitor the frost dates for your location. This is a good month to clean out summer annuals that have dried, inside your pots. I use a […]
Calhoun County Gardening – Fall Planting: A Guide to Trees and Shrubs for Landscape and Bouquets

Calhoun County, AL – Fall Planting: Trees and Shrubs by Betty Clark 9.25.24. I am sharing some great fall planting ideas that I have enjoyed from both the landscape and vases. Yes! You can use flowering trees and bushes as filler in your bouquets! I like spring early blooming red quince shrubs. The stems are […]
Calhoun County Gardening – Floral Designing: Creating Beautiful Vase Arrangements

Calhoun County, AL – Floral Designing Vases of Flowers, by Betty Clark 9.18.24. During the summer of my 16th birthday, I worked for a florist. That experience taught me floral design basics. I was lucky the shop owner was a perfectionist. She told me when the summer job concluded that my sports banquet corsages for […]
Calhoun County Gardening – Mark Your Calendar for October: Essential Tips for Planting Tulips, Pansies, and Bloody Dock

Calhoun County, AL –Mark on your calendar October, when temperatures are 60°. Why? Because I plant my tulips, pansies and bloody dock leaves that time of the year. I plant my favorite tulips called Parrot Tulips. Parrot Tulips are two-toned and hint at a bird-like color combination. Several colors to choose from at the big […]