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Calhoun County Commission and Anniston City Council Votes Unanimously to Reconvene Oversight Committee for McClellan Development Authority

MDA Oversight Committee Reconvened

Calhoun County, AL – In a pivotal move towards enhancing governance and oversight, the Anniston City Council voted unanimously during a special called meeting on Monday night to reactivate the long-dormant oversight committee of the McClellan Development Authority (MDA). This strategic decision aligns with the city’s broader objective of assuming the role of developer and overseer for the former military base, Fort McClellan.

“It [McClellan], needs to be in the hands of the city,” emphasized Anniston Mayor Jack Draper. The council’s unanimous vote paved the way for a joint resolution with the Calhoun County Commission, initiating the reconvening of the oversight committee responsible for monitoring the MDA.

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The Calhoun County Commission, in a separate unanimous decision during its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, December 14th, passed a resolution to establish the oversight committee. The committee, mandated by a 2009 state law, has been inactive for several years due to the impact of the pandemic.

Once formed, the oversight committee will undertake key responsibilities, including the election of a chairman, setting a schedule for semiannual meetings with the MDA, and resuming supervision and monitoring of the MDA’s affairs and operations.

In addition, the resolution calls for the MDA to provide the oversight committee with a comprehensive update on its activities since the last meeting with the former oversight committee, approximately in 2018. The areas of focus include property holdings, environmental restoration efforts, development plans for Fort McClellan, financial accounts, investments, and more.


Mayor Jack Draper emphasized the importance of the oversight committee’s role, stating, “It is important for us, the appointing authorities, the legislative delegation, to be apprised of the status and activities of the MDA.” Draper’s commitment extends to the city and county becoming the governing authority at Fort McClellan.

“It is also important that we begin in earnest a discussion of the process of transferring the property and assets of the MDA to the city and partnership with the county,” Mayor Draper added.

Councilwoman Millie Harris emphasized the significance of partnerships, stating, “The region, county, and city have a vested interest in Fort McClellan. These partnerships are critical to its development, and ultimately to the transition of the property to the City of Anniston.”

Senator Keith Kelley stated, “The oversight committee will fulfill its legal responsibility as required. I appreciate all the parties involved commitment to making Calhoun County the best it can be and the steps they have taken to ensure that.”

MDA Board members Julie Borrelli and JD Hess also spoke to the Calhoun Journal. Mrs. Borrelli stated, “I believe that every organization, not just the MDA, needs proper oversight to ensure they do not stray from their mission. That oversight serves a very important purpose. The city and County have a role in the oversight of the MDA and it is their duty to execute that. I believe that the MDA has done a wonderful job with development thus far and when the City eventually assumes that role, they will be able to continue that work and take it to the next level as they do have more extensive resources and contacts to ensure continued positive growth at McClellan.” J.D. Hess stated, “I was appointed by the Calhoun County Commissioners to report to them about the activities and actions of the MDA. I feel this communication can be improved and should be improved. I am glad the oversight committee is being reformed and will take a more active role. The development of McClellan is vitally importation to Calhoun County and should be a top priority.

Several Commissioners spoke to the Calhoun Journal after the meeting and stated their opinions regarding the vote. Commissioner Terry Howell “My part in this is that I want to see Anniston and Calhoun County be successful and anything I can do to help to that happen I will. There is a lot of acreage and a lot of land and we need to maximize what happens with it.

Commissioner Lee Patterson shared, “Communication is key and valuable in any situation and the Oversight Committee is simply a way to ensure better communication. We appreciate what the MDA board members have done, are doing, and will still do. This is just about making sure that McClellan is the best asset to Calhoun County it can be.”

Commissioner Danny Shears added, “When we were reached out to by the Mayor of Anniston and City Manager to help the legislative Oversight Committee reconvene we were in support 100%.  One of my favorite sayings is people are usually down on what their aren’t up on. This will be a way for the city and county to be brought up on the major things going on at McClellan and be informed on any upcoming projects may be.”

MDA attorney Jason C. Odom, spoke to the Calhoun Journal and stated, “The MDA has always welcomed members of the City Council, County Commission and Legislative Delegation to any of our public meetings held quarterly at the MDA office.  We provide public notice to them on a regular basis and the activities of the MDA are always open to public comment and review.  The MDA welcomes a reconstitution of the Oversight Committee and looks forward to keeping the Committee informed of its activities.” He also elaborated that pursuant to the specific language of §11-92B-18 (https://alisondb.legislature.state.al.us/alison/CodeOfAlabama/1975/11-92B-18.htm), the affairs of the MDA shall be “supervised and monitored” by an Oversight Committee.  However, he added that the section in question also states that “The approval of the oversight committee shall not be essential to the validity of any action taken by the board in the exercise of any of the powers granted an authority in this chapter.”  The MDA is an autonomous corporate entity, created pursuant to statute.  Should the oversight committee not “approve” of something the MDA has done or plans to do, such disapproval has no effect upon the MDA’s actions taken in the exercise of their granted powers.  This does not convey any “hands on” authority, as the MDA is charged with exercising its own powers and duties.

 The Calhoun Journal also reached out to Julie Moss, MDA Director; however she did not provide a comment.

 The decision to reactivate the oversight committee marks a significant step towards the leadership of the city of Anniston vocally wanting control back under their the city itself and the Commission wanting the oversight committee to become a vital part of the process. It is noted that the MDA Board would have to vote to dissolve themselves for this step to move forward.


MDA Oversight Committee Reconvened

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