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Calhoun County Gardening – Forever Susan Lilies: Bold Blooms and the Beauty of Sharing Garden Surplus

Lilies in Alabama,

Calhoun County, AL – There are over 100 species of Lily options. Lilies bloom between early summer to late summer. My very favorite lilies are called Forever Susan. Forever Susan’s grow tall, vertical stems, hardy and firm. The top of the firm Lily stem shoots out several blooms. After the blooms have expired, the vertical stem is very attractive. Most Lily greenery is similar to grass-like leaves. But? The Forever Susans always surprise me with their ability to grow such tall, firm stems. Their colors are a blend of deep purple almost black with yellow and orange hues. If you enjoy Black Eyed Susan perennials you will adore these lilies! I started a few Lily bulbs in two whisky barrels, as planters. In a few years, they multiplied and I have yearly 12-15 tall stems in each barrel yielding dozens of lovely Forever Susan blooms.  I have many types of lilies, colors, and heights. And I have been fortunate to be asked by Senior Farmers to yearly divide their beds of Lily options. And I am gifted the surplus. You might ask your neighbors if they need their lilies divided and can you can dig them and keep the surplus. Most people understand that crowded Lily islands or raised beds cause the bulbs to shrink & sometimes stop producing bigger blooms. I hope you investigate the many options of Lily bulbs.

Lilies in Alabama, Lilies in Alabama, Lillys in Alabama Lilies in Alabama, Lilies in Alabama, Lilies in Alabama, Lilies in Alabama, Lilies in Alabama, Lillys in Alabama Lilies in Alabama,




Betty Clark is a contributing writer. She has been an organic gardener since 1998. The signature flower she grows is Dahlias. She has a straw bale garden, a raised bed garden, and an in-ground garden. Both her surnames are agricultural farming families (8 generations). Her hobbies include ancestry research, antiques, continued education classes, and workshops. She also has a background in marketing & promotions including expos. To contact Betty Clark with gardening questions: bettyclark2151959@gmail.com

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