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Calhoun County Gardening – Gardening Success with Organic Products

Organic Products

Calhoun County, AL – Since 1998 I have several organic products I use in gardening. I buy by price, not brand name. I use  Diatomaceous Earth Power (dehydrates ants, cucumber beetles, squash bugs, all crawling bugs, does not work wet. After a rain and plants are dry, reapply). DIPEL Dust (stops digestive system of all hornworms, canna leaf rollers, etc). NEEM Oil (3-fold fungicide, miticide, pesticide, I use once weekly when temperatures are under 85°). Fish Fertilizer (slow release nitrogen, will not burn. I use it once weekly, when temperatures are under 85°). Blood Meal (Nitrogen source I mix in compost, lasting 4 months).Bone Meal (phosphorus source mixed in compost). Epsom Salt (magnesium source mixed in compost).  Snail Bait (kills snails off hostas, dahlias, etc.by sprinkling on the ground surrounding plants). I will continue using these products because they have never failed me in gardening results. And I like to attract pollinators. My choices in products always keep pollinators number one.

Organic Products

CEI Services



Betty Clark is a contributing writer. She is an organic gardener since 1998. Signature flower she grows are Dahlias. She has a straw bale garden, raised bed garden, and in ground garden. Both her surnames are agricultural farming families (8 generations). Her hobbies include ancestry research, antiques, continued education classes, and workshops. She also has a background in marketing & promotions including expos. To contact Betty Clark with gardening questions: bettyclark2151959@gmail.com


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