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Calhoun County Gardening – Growing a Bountiful Garden: My Favorite Tomatoes, Green Beans, and Okra

Favorite Vegetables I Grow

Calhoun County, AL – My favorite vegetables are tomatoes, green beans, and okra. Since 1998, as an organic gardener, I have experimented with different vegetables. I like to judge the vegetables’ resistance to disease. The ability of each vegetable to produce a full summer yield is at the top of my list. In 2025, the following types of vegetables will be planted in my landscape: in-ground, raised beds, straw bales, and large pots. Tomato favorites include German Queen and Bradley Heirloom. Each German Queen plant will produce at least 30 coffee-cup-sized tomatoes. I never plant tomatoes in the same location. Why? The soil can develop fungus and bacteria that will cause the tomato plant to be stressed. Always rotate your crops yearly. I sow Kentucky Wonder green bean seeds. I like to allow the green bean vines to run up a fence, corn stalk, or bamboo trellis with strings. I continue harvesting green beans while they are young and tender. The more you cut the green beans early off the vines, the more they yield all summer. I sow Clemson okra seeds because the pods do not have a tough, sandpaper outer skin. The secret to great okra yields is daily cutting and harvesting of the okra pods. Okra in hot weather grows quickly. If you are tardy in cutting your pods, your results will be hard, and you should throw away the pods. Okra can be fried, steamed, or used in skillet stir-fries. To clean my vegetables, I use fresh water with salt. Once I soak the vegetables in salt water for 15 minutes, I then rinse them in clear water. Enjoy trying new vegetables in your garden!


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Favorite Vegetables I Grow  Favorite Vegetables I Grow

Favorite Vegetables I Grow  Favorite Vegetables I Grow  Favorite Vegetables I Grow

Favorite Vegetables I Grow  Favorite Vegetables I Grow  Favorite Vegetables I Grow


Favorite Vegetables I Grow  Favorite Vegetables I Grow


Betty Clark is a contributing writer. She has been an organic gardener since 1998. The signature flower she grows is Dahlias. She has a straw bale garden, a raised bed garden, and an in-ground garden. Both her surnames are agricultural farming families (8 generations). Her hobbies include ancestry research, antiques, continued education classes, and workshops. She also has a background in marketing & promotions including expos. To contact Betty Clark with gardening questions: bettyclark2151959@gmail.com

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