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Calhoun County Gardening – Ornamental Beans: Lilac Blooms and Purple Pods for Gardens and Decor

Red Vining Blue Hyacinth Beans

Calhoun County, AL – I grow after the last frost and ornamental bean that produces tiny lilac-colored blooms. After the blooms the purple seed pods appear, dangling and lovely. Once the beans are planted they quickly in direct sunshine grow upward to 15 feet vines. The vines are loaded with tiny blooms that look like miniature orchids. The bees and butterflies swarm them. I use the bloom stems inside summer bouquets to create a Country Cottage Theme. You can also gather the bloom stems & tie them in ribbon to give to neighbors and friends to enjoy. I like to plant the beans at a fence and watch the fence bloom in vibrant lilac colors. The dangling bright purple bean pods are such a joy with these vines. You can use the pods also in decorations, such as swags across a fireplace mantel. Once the season ends, clip the stems and allow the pods to dry indoors for spring planting. I encourage gardeners to explore the ornamental beans available at seed displays at most big box stores in the spring.

Red Vining Blue Hyacinth Beans

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Betty Clark is a contributing writer. She has been an organic gardener since 1998. The signature flower she grows is Dahlias. She has a straw bale garden, raised bed garden, and in-ground garden. Both her surnames are agricultural farming families (8 generations). Her hobbies include ancestry research, antiques, continued education classes, and workshops. She also has a background in marketing & promotions including expos. To contact Betty Clark with gardening questions: bettyclark2151959@gmail.com


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