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Calhoun County Gardening – Prepare for Spring: Root Your Favorite Plants Indoors Before the Big Freeze

Rooting in Water

Calhoun County, AL – Before the big freeze this season be sure to take cuttings. Why? Because most plants will easily root in water indoors in a sunny location. I have included some photos. I root rosemary stems. I keep a journal about the date I placed the rosemary. After 30 days the rosemary grew a few roots. I changed the water every week. If you do not keep the glass, jar, etc clean weekly you create a chance for mold. Resulting in the death of the roots. I plan to let the rosemary grow roots for 90 days indoors in the water. Next, I will pot the rosemary root stems. Next spring 2025 I will plant them outdoors. You can root Thanksgiving & Christmas cactus. I cut 6-8 inch stems and placed them in water. I change the water weekly. Cactus grow roots in water quickly. Usually in 6 weeks, you will observe roots forming. I like to see at least a tablespoon full of roots before potting my cactus in the soil indoors. The key to successful rooting in water is to clean the jars and change the water. This keeps mold from killing the roots. I water root geraniums also. Coleus can be easily rooted indoors to plant in the spring outdoors. I use old-fashioned mason jars. I also use tall shot glasses used in liquor. The shot glasses fit perfectly in a sunny kitchen window. I encourage you to try cutting your favorite plants & rooting them indoors in water. Be sure to place your jars of water in a sunny location indoors.

Rooting in Water  Rooting in Water


Rooting in Water



Betty Clark is a contributing writer. She has been an organic gardener since 1998. The signature flower she grows is Dahlias. She has a straw bale garden, raised bed garden, and in-ground garden. Both her surnames are agricultural farming families (8 generations). Her hobbies include ancestry research, antiques, continued education classes, and workshops. She also has a background in marketing & promotions including expos. To contact Betty Clark with gardening questions: [email protected]

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