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Calhoun County Snip It Program Exceeds 6000 Spays and Neuters

Calhoun County's Spay and Neuter Program

Calhoun County, AL – The Calhoun County began in January 2, 2019 and the program has provided reduced cost spay and neuters for over 6000 dogs and cats in Calhoun County. While the program is not new Commissioner Terry Howell spoke to the Calhoun Journal and stressed that the biggest issue is education. He wants to focus on education on the problem of over population, but also on the Snip It program and how it works in the county. He is pushing to have more education about the program in the local school system. because he believes kids will bring that information back to their parents.

The program is administered by the County Commission in conjunction with Alabama Spay/Neuter. Residents in the unincorporated area of the County can be issued vouchers for the amount of $25. For those residents residing within a municipality, or its associated police jurisdiction, the costs will be as follows:

CEI Services

Female Dog Spay ………. $65.00
Male Dog Neuter ………… $50.00
Female Cat Spay ……….. $50.00
Male Cat Neuter …………. $35.00

The exception for these prices are for residents of Ohatchee, Jacksonville, and Oxford who provide a portion of the cost at a $15 reduction in cost. Households are limited to five tickets. Tickets can be purchased at the Calhoun County Commision office. Those inquiring about exact costs are encouraged to call the Commission Office at (256) 241-2800 prior to arriving. At this time only checks or money orders are accepted.

Once a voucher is purchased from Calhoun County, the pet owner will need to call Alabama Spay/Neuter and make an appointment at either (205) 956-0012 or (877) 334-9738. When the owner makes the appointment they need to let Alabama Spay/Neuter know they have a Snip-It Ticket to pay for the surgery. If the pet is not current on their rabies vaccination, Alabama Spay/Neuter will provide the vaccination when they are there for the surgery at a charge of $22, which will be billed to the owner. If the pet is current on their rabies vaccination, Alabama Spay/Neuter will need the pet owner to bring the rabies certificate (not the tag) with them when they bring the pet for the appointment. Alabama Spay/Neuter will make a copy of the rabies certificate for their medical records and send the original back with the pet. There are no surgery surcharges under this program for weight, in-heat, or pregnancy. There is a $22 surcharge for cryptorchid males and pets that have an umbilical hernia, which will be repaired at the time of surgery. Both of these occurrences are rare but do happen from time to time. Any other additional service or vaccinations would be at the owners request and paid for by the owner. All of the additional services that are offered are attached hereto.


Pre-payment in full is preferred for any additional services and the appointment will be made without the full copay, with the balance being due on the day of the appointment. If the owner does not attend their appointment and does not provide a notice of two business days of their cancellation, a charge of $22 rescheduling fee per appointment broken will be assessed.

Alabama Spay/Neuter offers free transportation to and from Word Alive Church, 122 Allendale Rd, Oxford, AL, 36203. Pick up is on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 a.m. and the pet is returned at noon the next day. The owner can also bring their pets directly to Alabama Spay Neuter at 2721 Crestwood Boulevard, Irondale, AL 35210. If the owner chooses to take their pet directly to the clinic, they will be scheduled at the next available opening, at the owner’s convenience. When bringing their pet directly to the Clinic, the owner will need to be at the location at 7:30 a.m. and return the same day at 4:30 p.m.



Calhoun County's Spay and Neuter Program
Map of Snip It Tickets Purchased in Calhoun County

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