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City of Anniston Announces The Martha Vandervoort Center to End Homelessness

City of Anniston News Release The Martha Vandervoort Center to End Homelessness

Anniston, AL – Per the Anniston Public Relations Director, Jackson Hodges, since 2019, the emergency shelter in Calhoun County has been scarce, leaving neighbors experiencing homelessness with nowhere to turn. In fact, from 2022 to 2023 the number of chronically homeless in Calhoun County increased from 68 to 111. However, the city is proud to say the days without an emergency shelter will soon be over. The Anniston City Council’s appointed Community Task Force on Homelessness, led by United Way of East Central Alabama, is excited to announce the creation of Martha’s Hope: The Martha Vandervoort Center to End Homelessness.

Honoring the legacy of the late director of Interfaith Ministries, Mrs. Vandervoort was a passionate advocate for the homeless. Martha’s Hope will provide emergency and transitional housing for men, women, and families experiencing temporary or chronic homelessness. Martha’s Hope will provide overnight emergency housing for up to 36 individuals and includes two family suites for those facing homelessness resulting from emergent crises such as eviction, job loss, trafficking, and other precipitating events. 

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In addition, the facility will include a Transitional Living floor named after a relentless champion of under-resourced families and individuals, Maudine Holloway, who continues to serve our community as the Director of Community Enabler Developer. This Transitional Living Center, known as The Holloway House, will allow up to 40 individuals, including two family units, a safe place to work toward permanent housing, self-sufficiency, and to receive coordinated care and services aimed at ensuring they successfully attain their goals. 

Martha’s Hope is the first step on the journey out of homelessness and into housing. With the assistance of licensed social workers called Empowerment Coaches, individuals will be connected with the resources and opportunities they need to achieve their hopes and their dreams. 

Thanks to a funding partnership with the City of Anniston, United Way will soon begin construction of Martha’s Hope at 1411 Gurnee Avenue. That said, support will be needed from the community to complete the work. You can make a designated donation to Martha’s Hope by visiting: www.uweca.org/support-marthas-hope.


While there may not currently be a shelter facility in the area, there may still be resources available to help. If you, or someone you know, is experiencing homelessness, please call 2-1-1 and speak to a Call Specialist to find out what help may be available. Join us in our goal to end homelessness for every individual who experiences Martha’s Hope.

If you would like more information about Martha’s Hope, please contact: Kyle Bryan | Program Director | The Martha Vandervoort Center to End Homelessness | 256-848-7755 | [email protected]

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