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City of Piedmont City Council Regular Meeting

City if Piedmont City Council Regular Meeting

Piedmont, AL – During the Tuesday afternoon Piedmont City Council Meeting Mayor Baker informed the Council the operational expenses were $ 797,209.85 which included two weeks payroll. The bills were approved for payment.

In Visitor Comments: Mr. John Garlick spoke to the Council about him being a candidate for Probate Judge of Calhoun County. His resume is very in-depth. He is a mental health professional. The election is March 5th. He was canvassing for the Council vote.


Then, a man named Adam Brandt spoke to the Mayor and Council about the stray dog situation in Piedmont. He and his wife moved to Piedmont from Mesa, Arizona. He helps these dogs and takes some in. He has sent over a 100 dogs to Upstate New York. He pays out of pocket for the dog’s health aids and shots. Mr. Brandt has talked with all the veterinarians in Piedmont. They are all aware of this problem too. The Mayor and Council really don’t know what to do with this situation. Mayor Baker said he will look further into this for possible solutions.

Also, with visitor comments, longtime Parks and Rec Director, Jeff Formby  spoke to the Mayor and Council about a problem he has with  two part-time jobs openings in his department. The jobs are at the Piedmont Welcome Center and the nighttime position at the Piedmont Civic Center. Both Jobs need to be filled but there is really no money for these two part-time jobs. This was tabled until the next Council meeting.

Formby then told the Council about the gym floor and the electrical work that has to be done inside the gym. He will inquire about the work and do an evaluation. After this he’ll report back to the Council about a possible price.

The Mayor’s comments were he appreciated all the visitor’s comments. Also, I feel for the people struggling with bills and there could be cold weather coming up in February. I pray for our community and we will do all we can do to help citizens with billing.


The next Piedmont City Council Meeting will be Tuesday February 20th

City if Piedmont City Council Regular Meeting

Mr. Demarco is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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