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City Of Weaver Work Session and City Council Meeting

Weaver City Council

Weaver, AL – Weaver held their regularly scheduled works sessions and City Council Meeting on July 25th. 

Work Session

The work session opened with Mayor Jeff Clendenning announcing that Walmart would help sponsor the Weaver Free Day on July 29th by supplying a discount for the food purchased. He also noted that a couple of candidates for Judge had asked to give items away at the event and he had not seen a problem with this.

The next matter was the Splash Pad. Because the parts are under warranty the city is required to let the company send all replacement parts, but they have promised the part and sent the wrong part for weeks and the dates promised have not been met. The Mayor stated that if the part is not in hand by the next promised date he would like to speak to the city attorney about pursuing compensation for getting the part from another provider or the expense of having the part repaired or the entire control panel replaced. He is frustrated that the entire summer has gone by without this matter being resolved.

Public Works Director, Jonathan Ingram, gave an update, Well Inspector, Amy White, stated that if the city chose to buy water from Anniston they would not have to grout or seal the wells as previously thought. They would still lave to have quarterly water tests done, but this is happening now. At an earlier meeting the costs were being compared on savings of labor and maintains the current system versus buying it. Mr. Ingram also received a quote of $1,700 for wood to replace the pavilion walkway at Angel Lake (aka Buckhorn Lake/Weaver Lake). He also stated that one of the public works employees had resigned, but another had been hired and the new employee is interested in full-time employment.

Chief Bush did not have a report.

Chief Bunn had no report, however Councilwoman Hamby wanted a better understanding of the code enforcement policy. It was explained that once code enforcement received the complaint they would make contact with the owner. If they were found to be out of code they would be given 21 days to resolve the issue. Once that timeframe had been reached if the matter was not resolved the city has to choose to either, 1. Complete the work and then out a lien on the property or 2. Give a citation to appear in court. He did explain that giving a citation doesn’t guarantee they will go to court and if they don’t and the courts sentence to jail time the city has to pay the jail for that cost. He also explained that putting a lien doesn’t guarantee payment and the city is out the cost of fixing the issue. There is no guaranteed way of forcing someone to fix the issue.

Chastity Whetstone provided a financial report though the end of June to be used as budget discussions begin.

Councilman Tim McRae wanted public works to know the pavilion looked good and they had done a good job making that area inaccessible for the general public while the council determines the best course of action.  He also wanted to know if there were ARPA funds left that might cost the cost of repairing the pavilion.

A point was brought up that the new bathrooms block the camera views of the splash pad and the skate park. It was asked to looking into putting up a few additional cameras to allow better access to see the park. Chief Bush also mentioned that the DVR would need to be expanded to accommodate more cameras.

Councilwoman Hamby wanted to again request that the council look at changing the current codes to add an expedited handling of repeat code violators and possibly steeper fines for those that consistently violate the ordinances.

Mayor Clendenning noted that were funds left in the Cultural Arts fund and he wanted to see about ordering new Christmas decorations for main street.

FEMA will be conducting an audit of the county flood plains and all municipalities on August 14th. The mayor didn’t anticipate any issues, but wanted everyone to be aware.

A discussion was held on the old bathrooms and repurposing them for storage by removing everything inside except the stall wall. Mr. Ingram also said he would like to salvage any brick to have for future repairs.

A request was made to look into getting new drink vending machines at the park.

A plan has been made for the old fire department building to get it empty and usable for the public works department. Also there was  a truck that was gifted to the fire department from the forest commission. It hasn’t been used in three years. Chief Bunn is verify if that can be sold on govdeals.

Steps will be added to pavilion B before August 12th to make it safer and easier to use.

Mike Warren spoke about Heritage Day and what was needed. He also offered an additional $250 from the Lions Club to add to the book-bag giveaway.

The War in Weaver Disc Golf Tournament was held on July 22nd and there were 36 players.

Finally the Mayor asked if anyone had an issue with the Splash Pad being opened every day from 7/26 though the start of school on 8/3 from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm. There were no concerns.

City Council 

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
    • Councilmember Clint Burns – Absent
    • Councilmember Tim McRae – Present
    • Councilmember Cathy Hamby – Present 
    • Mayor Pro Tem Nick Bowles – Present
    • Councilmember Terri Summerlin – Absent
    • Mayor Jeff Clendenning – Present
  • Agenda – Unanimously Approved
  • Minutes from July 11th Meeting – Unanimously Approved
  • Public Works – No Report
  • Chief Bush – No Report
  • Chief Bunn – No Report
  • Administration – No Report
  • Councilmember Burns – No Report
  • Councilmember McRae – No Report
  • Councilmember Hamby – No Report
  • Councilmember Bowles – No Report
  • Councilmember Summerlin – No Report
  • Old Business – None
  • New Business – None
  • Mayors Report – None
  • Public Comments – No Comments
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved


Weaver City Council

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