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Concerned Citizen in Jacksonville Results in Drug Bust

Jacksonville Drug Bust
Jacksonville Drug BustThe Jacksonville Police Department was able to make a sizable drug bust on Tuesday, February 8th, 2022 because of a concerned citizen’s call. The police department stated “these are the results when the communities work with their police department.” On 2/8/2022, a citizen driving on Alabama Highway 204 observed another vehicle driving in an unsafe manner. The suspect vehicle was swerving in and out of traffic, almost causing a head on collision. The citizen that observed this reckless driving behavior contacted the police department and was able to guide the officer to the location of the vehicle. Upon further investigation the officer was able to conduct a legal search of the vehicle and recovered the items seen.
Jacksonville Drug bustDue to the hard work of our officers and dispatchers, the driver was arrested for Trafficking in Oxycodone and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
If anyone has any information on crimes that have been committed and would like to give the information and remain anonymous, Call Crime stoppers at 334-215-STOP(7867).

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