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Council and City Leadership Rise to Challenge Presented at Jacksonville City Council Meeting and Work Session

Jacksonville City Council

Work Session

  1. Call to order.
  2. Roll call.
    1. Tony Taylor – Present
    2. Andy Green – Present
    3. Terry Wilson – Present
    4. Sherry Laster – Present
    5. Coty Galloway – Present
  3. Acceptance of minutes. – no comments or questions 
  4. Resolution regarding Endo Settlement.
    1. A settlement has been reached with only participant. This is a resolution to accepted the approved settlement. The city attorney did advice on agreeing with the settlement.
  5. Helicopter Pad at Public Safety Complex.
    Chief Keith Kadle
    1. Chief Kadle spoke about this helicopter pad. He wanted to stress that this was not FAA approved or opened for commercial use. This is only for emergency medical transports. It is a proposed 40*40 pad. At night the requirements are a cleared space of 100*100 with required lights and the day requirements are a cleared space of 75*75.
  6. Scholarship Program Guidelines.
    1. Councilwoman Sherry Laster and Councilman Terry Wilson have been working with Jacksvonille BOE member Marita Watson to develop an outlive for five scholarships through the city of Jacksonville. At this time the scholarship would only be open to residents of Jacksonville, but they would not have to attend Jacksonville High School. Discussion were held on how the approving committee would be structured. A decision was made two have two standard members, Terry Wilson and Sherry Laster, and then one rotating member who would be a subject expect in the area of the scholarship. A decision was made that students could apply for multiple scholarship if they are applicable. Each scholarship would be for a total of $1,000. The outline was added to the agenda for tonight meeting.
  7. Any other business.
    1. Parking for apartments and duplexes were discussed. The number of required is going to be reconsidered and potential lowered to one parking spot per bed + 20% for guests. The current ordinance is 40% for guests. This is being considered to encourage residential growth  in the are. It will be on the next agenda.
    2. The owner of 1310 Mountain Brook has requested a hearing at the next meeting. This property has been in code violation for some time.
    3. The current administrator for the Jacksonville Farmer’s Market has stepped down so a new replacement is being considered. The farmers market typically opens in April.
    4. The auditor that was going to present regarding the Water, Gas, and Sewer will not be present so it was asked if any questions could be held for the next meeting.
    5. Mayor Wayne Willis, of Weaver, was acknowledged by Councilman Green and it was mentioned Weaver holds an annual Heritage Day. It was proposed that the city of Jacksonville formally acknowledge January 9th as the official incorporation date and a each year that date be commemorated.
    6. The short term rental policy was brought up and a discussion was held on reviewing the current policy restricting any rentals less than 60 days. Mark Stephens will do some research and have a proposal to review at the next meeting.

City Council Meeting

  • Call to order.
    • Invocation: Rev. Velma Thomas St. Paul CME Church
  • Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Roll call.
    • Tony Taylor – Present
    • Andy Green – Present
    • Terry Wilson – Present
    • Sherry Laster – Present
    • Coty Galloway – Present
  • Adoption of minutes. – Unanimously Approved
  • Adoption of agenda. – Unanimously Approved with changes noted below
    • Add 10a – Consider action to approve the expenditures to Wiggins, Childs Pantazis, and Goldfarb, LLC for settlement of the two (2) pending litigations.
    • Add 14a – Consider action to approve the City of Jacksonville Scholarship Guidelines for High School Seniors, per attached.
    • Add 17a – Consider Action to approve the following transfer:
      • Cameron Lee Couch, Code Enforcement Officer, Range 18, effective February 16, 2022, due to the retirement of David Bryant
    • Add 14b – Consider Action to approve the employment of the following:
      • Ryley Chase Kirk, police officer range 18, effective upon compliance with Ordnance No 273, due to the resignation of Christopher Nastally
      • Patrick Dwayne Huntley, Police Office Range 18, effective upon compliance with Ordnance No. 273, due to the transfer of Cameron Couch to Code Enforcement Officer
      • Alexander Brett Skelton, part-time/substitute firefighter/paramedic Range 11A effective upon compliance with Ordnance No 273, due ro the reclassification of William Cortlin Ingram.
    • Add – Consent Agenda
      • Purchases over $7,500.00
        • $13,482 to Sansom Equipment Company for repairs to the street sweeper
    • Proclamation: Black History Month – February 2022.
      • Presented to Rev. Velma Thomas of St. Paul CME Church by Councilwoman Sherry Laster.
  • Public comments concerning agenda items. – No comments
  • Consider action to accept the Planning Commission Report regarding the Zoning Amendment Request of the City of Jacksonville to amend a portion of Section 24-532 (Special exceptions conditions) to Chapter 24-Zoning, Article VI – Mobile Home Courts, Division 2 – Mobile Home Courts, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Jacksonville and schedule a Public Hearing for March 28, 2022, at 7 pm for same. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consideration of Resolution No. R-2124-22 Authorizing the City of Jacksonville to join the State of Alabama and other Local Governments as Participants in the Endo Settlement. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the expenditures to Wiggins, Childs Pantazis, and Goldfarb, LLC for settlement of the two (2) pending litigations. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve JPWP#22-102 – Fuel Center Software Upgrades, per the attached, and authorize the Mayor to sign any necessary documents. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve JPWP22-103 – Helicopter and Kennel Concrete Pad Project, per the attached, and authorize the Mayor to sign any necessary documents. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to authorize the Mayor to sign the Service Maintenance Agreement with Trane for HVAC Equipment and Controls, at a total cost of $42,496.00 per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to authorize the Mayor, on behalf of the Water Works, Gas and Sewer Board, to sign the Merchant Processing Application and Agreement with Basys Processing, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the City of Jacksonville Scholarship Guidelines for High School Seniors, per attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to accept the FY2021 Water Works, Gas and Sewer Board Audit, as prepared by Edgar and Associates, LLC. – Unanimously Approved (Councilman Green Abstained as he has not had time to review)
  • Consider action to accept the following resignation: – Unanimously Approved
    • Christopher Nastally, Police Officer, effective February 7, 2022.
    • Jamal Steward, Part-Time Laborer at PARD, effective February 26, 2022.
  • Consider action to acknowledge the following retirement notification:
    • Angela Crane, Court Clerk/Magistrate, effective April 1, 2022. – Unanimously Approved
    • Cameron Lee Couch, Code Enforcement Officer, Range 18, effective February 16, 2022, due to the retirement of David Bryant – Unanimously Approved
  • Consent Agenda – Unanimously Approved
      • Budget Amendments.
      • Purchases Over $7,500.00.
      • Disposition of Surplus Property.
      • Public Records Disposal.
      • Boards/Committees.
  • Public comments for general items.
    Fernandices Parker
    • Fernandices Parker spoke concerning the Eastwood Section of Jacksonville. This is the second time he has spoken about this concern. He spoke about the disrepair in the area and the lack of concern from city officials. He talked about his Auntie, age 93, leaving with no heat and no dependable toilet facilities due to code violations and slum lord owners who are not held accountable. He talked about birds resting in trees that the city is not maintaining. He said the “Gem on the Hills is a lie.” He accused the city on only caring about certain sections of town. He also said that the area is a ghetto not because residents are out selling drugs, but because the city has allowed it to become that. He also said “Shame on you” to the council members for allowing this. He reminded council that he would be at every meeting until something was done.
    • Cinda Williams spoke also about the Eastwood Section of Jacksonville. She wanted to know why she was told the roads would be paved three years ago and still no work has been done. She has also had questions about the lack of street sweepers on the area.
    • Mayor Wayne Willis spoke about about the work he has does with Mayor Smith and the council. He wanted to compliment the council how dealing with the many difficult issues that come before them. He also wanted to say that if his Senate Campaign is successful he looks forward to continuing to have a good working relationship with city officials.
  • Council Member Remarks.
    Mayor Smith and Mayor Wayne Willis
    • Councilman Green wanted to thank Mr. Parker for soaking and asked if they could speak after about the issues brought up at the meeting.
    • Councilman Taylor also thanked those who spoke and reminded them that the council is not allowed to reposed to the comments.
  • Mayor’s report.
    • President’s Day is 2/21/22 and the city offices will be closed.
    • The Mayor also wanted to note that Scoop de Jour is open as well as Mongo’s.
    • The family Dollar will have a grand opening on 2/24.
  • Any Other Business. – None
  • Adjournment. – Unanimously Approved

*After the meeting multiple members of the Jacksonville Staff spoke to Mr. Parker and Ms. Williams about coming to see the areas of concerns and taking a deeper look. A few who spoke to them were Chief Marcus Wood, Councilman Andy Green, Councilwoman Laster, City Manager Grant. 

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