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CREATE Program in Oxford: A Beacon of Innovation and Opportunity


Oxford, AL – In the heart of Oxford, Alabama, the CREATE program stands as a testament to the power of community collaboration and forward-thinking initiatives. Since its official inception on April 12th, CREATE has been making remarkable strides towards its goal of becoming a regional hub for workforce development, technology, and innovation. With a focus on targeting high-wage, high-demand career fields critical for the region’s economic growth, CREATE is reshaping the landscape of vocational education and training.

In a recent interview with CREATE Director Lorie Denton, the program’s accomplishments and future endeavors were discussed at length. Denton’s passion for the program and its potential to transform lives was palpable as she detailed the milestones achieved and the ambitious plans ahead.

At the core of CREATE’s mission is the provision of diverse pathways for both students and adults to acquire essential skills and qualifications. The center offers a strategic roadmap divided into three phases, each focusing on specific career sectors. From construction trades to advanced manufacturing and technology, CREATE is dedicated to equipping individuals with the tools they need to thrive in today’s competitive job market.

With the successful completion of the first round of construction classes, Denton highlighted the program’s fast-paced progress. The upcoming 12-week summer session, set to commence on July 8th, promises to further equip participants with essential skills and certifications. The hands-on nature of the training ensures that students are well-prepared for real-world challenges and opportunities in their chosen field.

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Registration for the summer training program is currently open until June 2nd, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. In just three days since opening registration, CREATE has received over 150 applications from eager individuals seeking to enhance their skills and expand their career opportunities. Denton attributes this high level of interest to the program’s reputation for providing high-quality training and hands-on experience in growing industries. The free 12-week summer training program in commercial carpentry, electrical, or plumbing. Thanks to a generous grant from the Alabama Construction Industry Craft Training Board (CICT), these classes are available at no cost to any adult aged 18 and above. The program’s commitment to accessibility ensures that individuals from all walks of life have the opportunity to pursue lucrative careers in high-demand fields.

Denton acknowledges that one of the program’s biggest challenges lies in securing instructors for daytime classes. With the demand for skilled workers on the rise, finding qualified instructors who are available during traditional school hours has proven to be a daunting task. Denton explains, “The reason we’ve got a grant is because of the low supply of skilled workers in these fields. Our ideal candidates are people who are semi-retired or recently retired from those fields.”

Despite this obstacle, Denton remains undeterred in her pursuit of finding suitable instructors to meet the program’s needs. Collaborating closely with industry partners and leveraging her network within the community, Denton is actively seeking individuals who possess the necessary expertise and availability to lead daytime classes. She emphasizes the importance of finding instructors who not only have a deep understanding of their respective fields but also possess a passion for teaching and mentoring the next generation of workers.

In addition to addressing the immediate need for instructors, Denton is also focused on long-term planning to ensure the program’s sustainability and growth. By fostering strong partnerships with local businesses and educational institutions, Denton hopes to establish a robust pipeline of instructors who are committed to advancing the program’s mission. Denton emphasized the overwhelming support and encouragement from the community, noting the excitement expressed on social media and in public forums. The outpouring of enthusiasm underscores the program’s significance and its potential to positively impact the lives of countless individuals.

Reflecting on the feedback from program participants, Denton expressed delight at their positive experiences and eagerness to explore additional training opportunities. The program’s holistic approach to education, which includes industry-aligned certifications and practical experience, has garnered praise from both students and industry partners alike.

Looking ahead, Denton discussed the program’s integration into the local school system, with plans to offer elective classes for high school students starting in the fall. This expansion of the program’s reach will provide young learners with invaluable exposure to career pathways and hands-on learning experiences.

The  CREATE program in Oxford stands as a beacon of innovation and opportunity in the field of vocational education. With its unwavering commitment to excellence and accessibility, CREATE is paving the way for a new generation of skilled workers and industry leaders. As the program continues to evolve and expand, its impact on the local community and beyond is sure to be profound and enduring.


*Photos Supplied by CREATE










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