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Emotional (and humorous) Farewells Given As Mayor Wayne Willis Presides Over His Final Weaver City Council Meeting

Weaver City Council

Weaver, AL – The Weaver City Council held its regularly scheduled work session and city council meeting as well as a public hearing on Tuesday, September 27th, 2022.

Public Hearing

The public hearing was held from 3:00 pm to 4:00pm for the purpose of discussion of the following:

1. Comprehensive Plan – Vision Statement for the City of Weaver
2. Submission of two (2) applications for the 2022 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan program through the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) and the Environmental Information Documents (EID) associated with the proposed projects that will address low water pressures on the east side of Weaver around Water Tower Road and the installation of a booster pump station on Airport Road. A copy of each EID will be available for review at the Public Hearing.
While no residents attended there was a handout of the SWOT Analysis that was done.
Weaver City Council

Work Session

Weaver City Council

All council members were present for the work session. The first matter discussed was the rate increase for second garbage cans. Previously the city provided a second can at a reduced rate. The city was losing money as Waste Management charges full price for all cans. On the agenda for tonight’s meeting is an ordinance change and rate change.

The second item for discussion was an administrative ordinance change stating that the Mayor is automatically the Utility superintendent. the mayor can be removed from that position at the council’s discretion. This is a change from the previous ordinance that required a mayor to be voted in as the superintendent. This change is being voted on to simplify staff changes.

Councilwoman Hamby wanted to discuss purchasing new Christmas decorations. She felt a budget should be authorized and then an inventory of current items taken. This will help determine what is needed. These monies would come from the Cultural Arts budget.

Chief Bush was asked about the fiber internet lines. He confirmed a three year agreement was signed and there is a 60-90 day wait time before the lines would be installed.

Chief Bunn spoke about the fire that occurred a few days prior. He did confirm that Weaver Fire Department was one scene as well as Jacksonville Fire. Two people were injured. There were many reports of gunshots, but these reports were false. There was live ammunition that exploded during the fire, but caused no injuries.

Councilman McRae thanked the Weaver Fire Department for the job they did.

Joey Conger informed the council that the leaf vacuum was in Birmingham waiting for delivery or pickup. He wanted to confirm that the council did still want this item. This purchase was voted on in February of 2022 and the cost was $91,000. The council confirmed they did still wanted the vacuum.

Councilman Clendenning wanted to confirm a date for the Christmas Parade. The date set was December 4th. The time has not been set at this time. He also stated he would like to get a tree planted that could be used each year and the city could have an official tree lighting on the day of the parade. There was also discussion of who would be the parade Grand Marshal. A recommendation was made to choose Terry Howell who is will be the new commissioner for the district at the time of the parade.

Chief Bunn was asked for an update on fencing costs to secure the left side of the park next to the senior center. For covered chain link the first estimate was $3,485 and this would just be for the corner. To replace all the fencing was $12,000. A decision was made to request a price for standard chain link for just the corner area.

Ingrid Maria was present to discuss the demolition she did of the old shed. The contract agreement has ended, but Mayor Willis wanted to make an introduction to incoming Mayor Clendenning who will be sweared in on the 30th.

The city clerk reminded everyone that that vision statements needed to be be submitted for the East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission.


City Council Meeting

  • Call to Order
    • Welcoming of guest Terry Howell
  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
    • Councilmember Clint Burns – Present
    • Councilmember Tim McRae – Present
    • Councilmember Cathy Hamby – Present
    • Councilmember Nick Bowles – Present
    • Mayor Wayne Willis – Present
  • Adoption of Agenda – Unanimously Approved
  • Adoption of Minutes – Unanimously Approved
  • Department Reports
    • Public Works – Leaf Vacuum is ready for pickup or delivery
    • Police Department – No report
    • Fire Department/Code Enforcement – No report
    • Administrative Department – Nick Bowles will be added to the banking account as a signatory.
  • Council Reports
    • Councilman Clint Burns – No comment
    • Councilman Tim McRae – Wanted to confirm that new quotes will be collected for the fencing.
    • Councilwoman Cathy Hamby – Wanted to take a moment to tell Mayor Willis how much she appreciated him and what he has done for Weaver. This thank you is both as a councilmember and as a resident of Weaver.
    • Councilman Nick Bowles – No comment
    • Mayor Pro Tempore Jeff Clendenning – Wanted to state that the parade will be set for December 4th and a time will be set later. He also confirmed that Terry Howell will be the Grand Marshal.  A confirmation was given of the Cultural Arts Budget that currently has $5,834.30. It was also confirmed that $400 would be given to the Weaver Band for playing in the parade and $200 for any visiting bands.
    • A motion was made to authorize Jeff Clendenning to spend up to $1,000 on a tree to be planted in the park. – Unanimously Approved
  • Old Business
    • Ordinance 2022-06 – Amending Ordinance #2004-02 – Unanimously Approved
    • Ordinance 2022-07 – Amending Sanitation Rates Ordinance #2013-05 – Passed with one nay vote from Cathy Hamby
  • New Business
    • Ordinance #2022-05 – Designating Mayor as Superintendent of Utilities – Unanimously Approved
    • Christmas Decorations – Motion was made to authorize Councilmember Hamby to spend up to $1,500 on Christmas decorations. – Unanimously Approved
  • Mayor’s Report – The Mayor thanked all the council members and stated it has been a pleasure working with all and he feels he is leaving the city is good shape and with a strong council. He also said he appreciated all the department heads who really make the city run. He gets very few complains from workers and he is so grateful to all the employees and councilmembers.
  • Public Comments
    • Terry Howell thanked the Mayor for his service. He has seen Weaver come a long way and acknowledged that the Mayor was a part of that. He stated that Weaver was a big part of District 4 and he is looking forward to getting to know all the council members and continue to see Weaver grow.
  • Special Farewell
    • Jeff Clendenning wanted to say that he and Wayne have been on the council together for quite awhile. He thinks that the council works well together and everybody has their own mind. He wanted to thank the Mayor for helping to make Weaver strong a leaving it better than when he came.
    • Cathy Hamby also wanted to thank Wayne for asking her to run. She also thanked Rhonda Willis, who was in attendance, for her support. She talked about has she has lived in Weaver her whole life and she has seen the change for the better and much of that was because of the leadership of Wayne Willis.
    • Tim McRae talked about how Wayne talked him into running for the council. He is appreciative for the opportunity and has seen the changes and improvements to Weaver under Wayne’s leadership. He wanted to thank him for his work.
    • Terri Summerlin said that she has worked with Wayne in different roles for more than ten years. She has seen Weaver at low points and now at a high point. She knows this is a difficult job and feels that Wayne is leaving it in a better state than when he began his service.
    • Nick Bowles spoke and said that he and Wayne were investigative partners when Wayne first became Mayor. When Wayne talked to Nick about running for council he wasn’t sure. He didn’t think he would be good because right is right and he wasn’t cut out for politics. Since then he has realized this opportunity has allowed him to see how things get done in the real world. He appreciates the opportunity and stated that he loves this town and he isn’t going anywhere. He then mentioned that the Mayor had requested no plaque or going away party. He also said that the Mayor doesn’t get to make that choice. With that he presented him with a “plaque” from one of his favorite movies, Tombstone, that says, “Well…Bye”. Mayor Willis was also presented with a $1,000 gift card that was paid for by council member donations and employee donations. The Mayor was visibly surprised and stated that the gift was too much. He did thank everybody and say that he would hang this plaque up!
    • Mayor Willis spoke and again thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve the city. He credited the council for all their hard work and for making Weaver better. He said how grateful he was to have gotten to know all the employees of Weaver and to have seen Weaver grow and improve. He knows that Weaver is being left in good hands and looks forward to see it continue to improve and grow.

Weaver City Council

  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved

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