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Gadsden State Community College Students Earn Prestigious Honors

Students named to All-Alabama Academic Team

Gadsden, AL – Two members of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society at Gadsden State Community College have received accolades for their outstanding academic achievements and dedicated community service. Sebella Henry and Harry Glenn were selected for the Phi Theta Kappa All-Alabama Academic Team, a testament to their hard work and commitment. Additionally, Henry has been named a Bronze Scholar on the Coca-Cola Academic Team, an honor awarded to only 50 students nationwide.

All-Alabama Academic Team members are nominated by faculty and reviewed by a selection committee. To be eligible, students must maintain a minimum 3.25 GPA, complete at least 12 hours at the nominating college, and be actively involved in campus activities. Each community college in Alabama nominates two students for the team. Both Henry and Glenn received a $1,000 scholarship for their selection.

Students are nominated by college administrators for the Coca-Cola Academic Team based on academic achievement, leadership, and engagement in college and community service. As a Bronze Scholar, Henry received an additional $1,000 for educational expenses. She was chosen from over 2,400 applicants nationwide.

“I’m so honored to be recognized,” Henry said. “My time at Gadsden State has truly been a positive experience.”

Henry, who was homeschooled before attending Gadsden State in Fall 2022, initially struggled with social anxiety but found a supportive environment at the college. On May 9, she graduated with an associate degree in general studies and will transfer to the University of Alabama at Birmingham to pursue bachelor’s and master’s degrees in math education.

“I enjoyed math when I was in high school, but when I got to Gadsden State, my love for it grew,” she said. “I was able to learn from some wonderful teachers. They have really inspired me to become a teacher myself.”

Henry has been recognized multiple times for her academic success and commitment to student life at Gadsden State. She received the prestigious Allen-Ray Award, the highest honor bestowed on a Gadsden State student, and was named a Student of Distinction. She also earned the Presidential Scholarship to UAB, the Transfer Excellence Scholarship to the University of Alabama, the Opportunity Transfer Scholarship to Jacksonville State University, and the Institutional Scholarship to Athens State University.

As president of PTK, Henry represented Gadsden State at the recent PTK international convention, where the local chapter was recognized as a Five-Star Chapter and won the Distinguished College Project Award. She also served as a volunteer tutor and participated in numerous college events.

“I have really loved being a Gadsden State student,” she said. “I could not recommend Gadsden State more to other students. The faculty is absolutely wonderful. They advocate for their students. They want to see us succeed.”

Glenn, who chose Gadsden State for its proximity to his Rainbow City home and vibrant campus life, shared similar sentiments. “There’s always something to do at Gadsden State,” he said. “There are many opportunities to be involved in campus life. It’s what you make of it.”

His active involvement and academic excellence earned him a spot on the All-Alabama Academic Team. Glenn, a 2022 Southside High School graduate, served as a Gadsden State Ambassador, leading over 50 tours for prospective students. He maintained a 4.0 GPA, was elected to the 2024 Homecoming Court, and volunteered at various college events.

At the recent Honors Day, Glenn was awarded the President’s Cup for exceptional success in all aspects of college life. He was also named a Student of Distinction and received the Opportunity Transfer Scholarship to Jacksonville State University, as well as the Roll Tide Transfer Scholarship and the Leadership and Achievement Scholarship to the University of Alabama.

Glenn recently graduated with an associate degree in general studies and will enroll at the University of Alabama this fall to pursue a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in healthcare management. He aspires to become a hospital CEO.

“I am always recommending Gadsden State to people,” he said. “You can’t beat the per-credit tuition. It was much more affordable. It also helped me to be in classes with fewer people. It is easier for me to learn with less distractions. I’m really happy that I made the decision to start at Gadsden State. It has prepared me to continue my education at Alabama.”

The accomplishments of Sebella Henry and Harry Glenn highlight the exceptional opportunities available at Gadsden State Community College and the supportive environment that helps students thrive both academically and personally.

Harry Glenn: Harry Glenn, middle, is pictured with Alabama Community College System Chancellor Jimmy Baker and Gadsden State Community College President Kathy Murphy at the recent recognition luncheon for members of the All-Alabama Academic Team.
Harry Glenn: Harry Glenn, middle, is pictured with Alabama Community College System Chancellor Jimmy Baker and Gadsden State Community College President Kathy Murphy at the recent recognition luncheon for members of the All-Alabama Academic Team.


Sebella Henry: Sebella Henry, middle, is pictured with Alabama Community College System Chancellor Jimmy Baker and Gadsden State Community College President Kathy Murphy at the recent recognition luncheon for members of the All-Alabama Academic Team.
Sebella Henry: Sebella Henry, middle, is pictured with Alabama Community College System Chancellor Jimmy Baker and Gadsden State Community College President Kathy Murphy at the recent recognition luncheon for members of the All-Alabama Academic Team.

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