Happening Now

September 22, 2021 
Lee Evancho  

Work Session

  • CDBG 2021 Resurfacing
    • Evaluation of bids for Anniston CDBG 2021 Resurfacing Project No. 2020-846 – This item is on the consent agenda. Not questions were asked. 
  • Airport Improvement Project Funding
    • Resolution authorizing the submission of an application for an Airport Improvement Project for Fiscal Year 2022 for the Anniston Regional Airport – No discussion on this item. 
  • Street Vacation
    • Vacating a portion of W 14th Street Alley extending through Lot 10 – No discussion 
  • Board Appointment
    • Historic Preservation Commission – Walker David Mason II – On the consent agenda 
  • Bids
    • Bid schedules for police vehicles and equipment – No discussion 
  • Grant Applications Museums and Gardens
    • Submission of a grant application through Economic Development administration under the Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Program to prepare a Master Plan for Trail Development – Total project is $75,000. The cities’ portion would be $15,000. 
    • Submission of a grant application through ADECA under the Recreation Trails Grant Program to renovate the trails serving the Anniston Museum of Natural History A request is being made for $150,000 to renovate the trails and bird-of-prey areas. The city’s portion would be $37,600 plus engineering cost. 
  • Ordinance Amendment
    • Ordinance adopting Chapter 11, Article II, Division 1, Section 11.13.1 of the Code of Ordinances Regarding Maintenance and Reporting of Fire and Life Safety Records
      • Resolution authorizing Professional Services and Technology Agreement – Goal is to make sure all businesses have life saving equipment and that it is up-to-date and registered with the fire department. This is to be inspected and and be in compliance with current regulations.  This is a free service to the city. The charge will be $20 to the individual businesses. 
    • Ordinance adopting Chapter 34, Article VI of the Code of Ordinances to require registration of vacant properties – no comments
  • Hotel Finial
    • Discuss the request to have the City remove its right of reversion to the property. – This clause was added as a requirement to receive a loan. Since then a SBA loan has been secured and the bank has agreed that that the clause can be removed and the agreement will still be honored. Councilman Roberts addressed the appearance  that because of the who the owners currently are, it may look like favors are being given. He was not making accusations, just expressing reservations about the appearance. 
  • Councilman Roberts discussion item
    • Discuss a support letter for a grant opportunity through U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for West Anniston Healthy Homes Project – A representative spoke about the West Anniston Foundation and a grant they are applying for.  This grant requires matching funds from the city . The total grant would be for $1.35 million and city’s portion would be $135,000. This grant would be to repair homes in west and south Anniston. The funding would come from a variety of locations including HUD, the city, and possibly the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The goal is to repair at least 60 homes over a three and a half year time frame. 

City Council 

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
    • Mayor Jack Draper
    • Ward 1 – Present
    • Councilman Jay Jenkins – Present
    • Ward 2 Councilman Demetric D. Roberts – Present
    • Ward 3 Councilwoman Ciara Smith – Present
    • Ward 4 Councilwoman Millie Harris – Present
  • Reading/Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
  • Additions/Deletions to the Agenda – Unanimously Accepted 
    • Motion to give 10% in support of a commitment for the West Anniston Grant application
    • Addition of a ordnance regarding surplus property
  • Adoption of Agenda –Unanimously Accepted 
  • Recognitions
    • Anniston Barracuda Swim Team – The Anniston Barracuda Swim Team competed in a state swim meet and won first place. The state championship rings were passed out at the meeting. 
  • Board Confirmation
    • Walker David Mason, II – Historic Preservation Commission – Mr. Mason said he was, “Grateful for the opportunity and can’t wait to get to work.” All the city council members also congratulated him and thanked him for his willingness to work on this board. 
  • Public Hearing
    • To hear public comments on the reconsideration of the City Manager’s proposed budget for the City of Anniston for fiscal year October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022 – No comments
  • Unfinished Business
    • Resolution adopting the budget for Fiscal Year 2022 – Unanimously Accepted 
  • Consent Agenda – Unanimously Accepted 
    •  Resolution appointing a member to the Historic Preservation Commission
    • Resolution authorizing an amendment to Program Year 2017, 2018, and 2019 Annual Action Plans under the Home Investment Partnerships Act (HOME) Program
    • Motion to award the bid for CDBG 2021 Resurfacing Project No. 2020-846 –CDG Project No. R930021069 to Massey Asphalt Paving in the amount of $124,940
  • Motion to approve the recommendation to reject the bid for the Glen Addie Community Center Re-Roof Project in the amount of $109,850 and re-bid the project
  • Resolutions
    • Resolution allocating Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds toward Water and Sewer Infrastructure Project – Unanimously Accepted 
    • Resolution allocating Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds toward employee premium pay and vaccine incentive. This motion will give all full-time employees  $1,200 and part-time employees $700. These funds will come from the coronavirus state and local fiscal recovery funds.  – Passed with Mayor Draper being the only Nay vote 
    • Councilmen Jenkins proposed an amendment resolution to the above motion to include a $200 vaccine amendment to be added to employee’s premium pay. – Passed with Councilwoman Smith being the only Nay vote  
  • Motions
    • Ordnance to match a 10% grant application for the West Anniston Foundation to repair homes in West and South Anniston. The total city amount would be $135,000. – Unanimously Accepted 
  • Additional Other Matters that may come before the Council – No comments
  • Public Comments – No comments
  • Council Comments
    • Councilman Jenkins thanked everyone for coming out to support the show Clue
    • Councilman Roberts – He thanked all for coming out and congratulated the swim team again. He really wanted to stress the importance of working with children. He also encouraged all to be vaccinated and wear masks and to just, “Everybody to do what they can when they can to stay healthy and safe.” from COVID. 
    • Councilwoman Smith – No comment
    • Councilwoman Harris – No comment
    • Mayor Draper – He wanted to thank everybody for their work and help with the budget. 
  • Motion to convene an Executive Session to discuss the consideration that the governing body is willing to offer when considering the purchase, sale, exchange, lease or market value of real property. –Unanimously Accepted 
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Accepted 
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