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Jacksonville Approves New SRO, Fiscal 2023 Budget, and Five Year Plan for the City

Jacksonville City Council

Jacksonville, Al – The Jacksonville City Council held its regularly schemed work session and city council meeting on Monday, September 26th, 2022.

Work Session

  1. Call to order.
  2. Roll call.
    1. Tony Taylor – Present
    2. Sherry Laster – Present
    3. Coty Galloway – Present
    4. Andy Green – Present
    5. Terry Wilson – Present
  3. Acceptance of minutes. – No discussion
  4. MOU regarding School Resource Officer – Marcus Wood.
    1. The 2023 budget includes an additional SRO and before adding a new portion the Police wanted to review and update the agreement and fine-tune what is expected. Chief Wood and Dr. Howard have spoken and are on the same page and will have regular conversations about the program and how it can improve. Each year this will be reviewed as well. If the budget is approved this would mean the city schools had three SRO’s.
  5. Mountain Street, NE Widening Project – Mark Stephens.
    1. A the last meeting the original bid was officially rejected. The rebid was on September 19th and the city received two bidders. Vulcan Materials was at $529,802. James E Watts and Sons was at $422,109. James E Watts was one of the original bidders from the first round. The engineer gave a recommendation to approve. There is still at $250,000 grant that can be deducted from the low bid. In addition there are survey costs, design fee, construction engineering and inspection. That will leave the total cost to the city at $227,109. $23,500 has already been spent.
  6. Any other business.
    1. Councilman Taylor stated that he has been asked by the Mayor’s proxy to see if there were any questions on the Waterworks Sewer Bard budget. Micheal Rinker is present to answer questions. Natural gas prices have increased, but other than that increase there is not a lot of change. As for the building there are going to wait until January to rebid without modifications.
    2. Councilman Green said he had received a compliment that the water bill was all inclusive and they appreciated that.
    3. Councilman Wilson asked for an update on the PARD committee. Mrs. Grant said that once the budget was passed there will be movement on that very quickly and the committee can start moving forward.
    4. Councilman Wilson wanted an update on the HVAC issues at the Community Center. PARD is still working with the engineer on that project.
    5. Mrs. Grant wanted to speak about JAXFest. The fireworks company needs the date to pencil in. They are looking at July 3rd which is a Monday. The other options is the Saturday before. No decision has to be made tonight, but at the next meeting it should be scheduled.
    6. Sandra Sudduth is interested in spearheading a Black History program next year.

City Council Meeting

  • Call to order.
  • Invocation: Rev. Jim Wilson
  • Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Roll call.
    • Tony Taylor – Present
    • Sherry Laster – Present
    • Coty Galloway – Present
    • Andy Green – Present
    • Terry Wilson – Present
  • Adoption of minutes. – Unanimously Approved
  • Adoption of agenda. – Unanimously Approved with changes
    • Consent Agenda: Add Budget amendment requests: Bus Barn, Train Depot & General Government increase Account No. 10-01-6000-00-60141 in the amount of $25,000 for cost related to relocation City Hall Offices.
    • Consent Agenda: Amend Purchases over $7,500 – Police
  • Proclamation. – None
  • Public comments concerning agenda items. – No Comments
  • Consideration of Resolution R-2149-22 regarding Agreement with East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission ADA Paratransit Services. – Unanimously Approved
    • The city commits the amount of $26,000 as local, non-federal match for operational expenditures for the ADA Paratransit Services for Fiscal Year 2023.
  • Consideration of Resolution R-2150-22 to Award Bid No. 22-06, JPWP No. 21-104, Mountain Street, NE Widening Project to James E. Watts & Sons Contractors, Inc., per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to authorize the Mayor to sign the Memorandum of Understanding regarding the School Resource Officer Program between the City of Jacksonville Police Department the Jacksonville City Schools, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
    • Mission Statement – School Resource Officer Program
    • The mission of the JPD SROs is to provide a safe school environment that is conductive to learning and working. The SROs shall provide an atmosphere to engage the youth of Jacksonville, school personnel, and community with a positive law enforcement experience. The SROs will:
      •   Enhance the life skills of our youth through mentorship and character building.
      • Promote good citizenship through education.
      • Increase the understanding and respect for our legal system.
      • Reduce juvenile delinquency
      • Build professional relationships and rapport with students, faculty, and staff.
      • Provide training, resources, and support for a safe school environment.
      • Educate, inform, and communicate with school safety stakeholders.The JPD SROs shall work in collaboration with the JCS in order to reduce crime, drug abuse, violence, and provide an optimal educational setting.
  • Consider action to authorize the Mayor to sign the Axon Master Services and Purchasing Agreement for, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
    • Agreement for $97,753.23
  • Consider action to approve the Community Sign Program Policy, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
    • The guidelines for a community sign being requested and installed are as follows:
      • Provide a written request to the City Council. To include the following: supporting documentation that indicates the unique name commonly referred to for the community, map showing the community boundary and proposed location of sign(s), letters of support or signatures from residents within the community.
      • The City Council will evaluate the request and make a final decision based upon what is in the best interest of the entire City.
      • If approved, the City will determine the number of signs necessary and their locations.
      • All material and labor costs associated with this Community Sign Program shall be the City’s responsibility. Donations from the community will be accepted and greatly appreciated.
  • Consider action to approve a 2.5% COLA and new Pay Scale for City of Jacksonville General Fund and Water Works, Gas and Sewer Board employees, effective September 28, 2022, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve FY2023 American Rescue Program Act (ARPA) Expenditures, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the FY2023 General Obligation Warrant (GOW) Capital Improvement Projects, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the City of Jacksonville Five (5) Year Plan, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved

City Five Year Plan


  • Consider action to approve the FY2023 General Fund Budget, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the FY2023 Water Works, Gas and Sewer Board Budget, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the new job description for Assistant Building Inspector/Maintenance Technician, Range 18, and request the Civil Service Boards approval of same. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the employment of the following: – Unanimously Approved
    • Timothy Lee Hanna, Part-Time Public Safety Communications Officer, Range 12, effective upon compliance with Ordinance No. 273. (new position for FY2023)
  • Consider action to approve the promotion of the following: – Unanimously Approved
    • Logan Wade Horne, Corporal, Range 20, effective September 28, 2022, due to the reassignment of Josh Shears.
  • Consider action to accept the resignation of the following: – Unanimously Approved
    • Santana Harmon, Library Specialist, effective October 14, 2022.
  • Consent Agenda – Unanimously Approved
    • Budget Amendment Requests.
    • Purchases over $7,500.00.
    • Records Destruction.
  • Public comments for general items.
    • Jakob Williamson from the Chamber of Commerce introduced himself. He is the new public officers person.
  • Council Member Remarks.
    • Councilman Green wanted to make sure everybody knows about the grand opening of the new Five Below on 9/30 at 9:15am. the next day is the JSU preview day and family day as well as a home game. JSU is also planing a Veterans Day event on November 11th at 10:00 am.
  • Mayor’s report.
    • Five Below grand opening
    • Ladies Day Out on 10/15 at 10:00 am
  • Any Other Business. – None
  • Adjournment. – Unanimously Approved

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