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Jacksonville City Council Considers Online Business Permits and Licenses and Honors Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Jacksonville City Council

Jacksonville, AL – The city of Jacksonville heels a regularly scheduled city council meeting on Monday, January 23rd. 

Jacksonville City Council

Work Session

  1. Call to order.
  2. Roll call.
    1. Tony Taylor – Present
    2. Sherry Laster – Present
    3. Coty Galloway – Present
    4. Andy Green – Present
    5. Terry Wilson – Present
  1. Acceptance of minutes. – No discussion
  2. Bid No. 23-04, Purchase and Delivery of ADA Mobile Restroom Trailer(s) – Mark Stephens.
    1. Multiple bids were received. The lowest bid that met all the required items was LuxLav. The bid price was $82,453. This bathroom will include a unisex ADA compliant stall, a male stall, and a female stall. The bathroom can be moved by truck easily. It comes with a clean water and gray water tank. It can also be hooked to a hardline system if that is available. This bathroom will be utilized at many events and locations in Jacksonville.

LuxLav ADA Bathroom

  1. City of Jacksonville Scholarship Program – Albertha Grant.
    1. Minor changes were address such as the removal of leadership requirements on two on the scholarships. There are also specific instructions on how to get the funds to the college/university of the winner(s).
  2. TEKConnectGov Agreement – Laura Copeland.
    1. Kent McCoy joined via a streaming conference to discuss the customizable software his company is offering to build for the city. The initial purchase would be for all city business licenses (59 separate applications) and all building permits. The cost for this would be a $7,300 one time fee at $7,100 a year. Additional modules would be available for a nominal fee if the city chose to expand i to future. This item will be on the next meeting agenda.
  3. Any other business.
    1. The Mayor informed the council that there is a significant leak at the Community Center and a roofing company will be looking at it as soon as possible.
    2. Bill Whittaker gave an update on city hall and that the progress is still on track for completion in January of 2024. Construction will be starting this week. He also discussed an optional Fixture, Furnishing, and Equipment service the city could utilize. He gave an initial quote of 30-40,000 for this service, but also agreed to an hourly rate not to exceed a specific amount. He will formally submit a proposal that will be reviewed and added to the next council agenda.
    3. Fire Chief, Kieth Kadle spoke about a few issues. The first was the Medical Director position set to be voted on at this same council meeting. The cost was initially $6,000; however the city’s insurance will not cover him and the required insurance cost will be an additional $6,000. The council agreed this was  a required position so the increase would have to be dealt with. Chief Kadle also talked about variety of grants he wants to apply for and discussed possible matching obigation of the city of they received the grant. The council did indicate that wanted to move forward and this item will be voted on at the same meeting. He also spoke about the Diesel Exhaust system he would like to purchase for both stations. The maximum matching that the city can receive is $100,000 per station. The total cost is $270,000 for both stations so there would be a cost to the city of $70,000. This can come from gas tax funds.
    4. Tim spoke with the council regarding cabling for the new city all and presented a draft of potential costs. He asked if the council would like him to submit a formal proposal which they did request.
    5. City Manager, Mrs. Grant, stated there had been a request for a community sign at the Mill Village. The council asked if there was a position or spokesperson. Neither of these items were present. A total od eight (8) email were received requesting signage. The council expressed the need for more community involvement before moving forward with additional signage for that area.

City Council Meeting

  • Call to order.
  • Invocation: Rev. Gary Brittain Baptist Campus Ministry Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Roll call.
    • Tony Taylor – Present
    • Sherry Laster – Present
    • Coty Galloway – Present
    • Andy Green – Present
    • Terry Wilson – Present
  • Adoption of minutes. – Unanimously Approved
  • Adoption of agenda. – Unanimously Approved with notes changes
    • Add: 17a Consider action to authorize the Mayor to sign the Assistance to Firefighters Grant for the purchase of two (2) Diesel Exhaust for each Fire Station.
    • Delete: 12Consider action to authorize the Mayor to sign the Professional Services Agreement with TTL for Semi-Annual Groundwater Monitoring at the Landfill, per the attached.
  • Proclamation. – Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.


  • Public comments concerning agenda items.
    • Marita Watson wanted to thank the council for their support of the scholarships being voted on later in the evening.
  • Public Hearing on Monday, January 23, 2023, regarding the Retail On-Premise and Lounge Liquor License application of Yamato AL Inc (Stanley Tung), d/b/a Yamato Steak House located at 105 Mountain Street, NW, Jacksonville, Alabama.
    • Stanley Tung spoke to just restate his request to be able to serve liquor in addition to the beer and wine he currently can serve.
  • Consider action to approve the Retail On-Premise and Lounge Liquor License application of Yamato AL Inc. – (Stanley Tung), d/b/a Yamato Steak House located at 105 Mountain Street, NW, Jacksonville, Alabama. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to accept the Bid Report for Bid No. 23-04, Purchase and Delivery of ADA Mobile Restroom – Trailer(s) and approve Resolution No. R-2163-23 Awarding Bid No. 23-04 to J & B Luxlavs. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to authorize the Mayor to sign the FY2023 Grant Agreement with East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission Area Agency on Aging, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement with Dr. Joshua Williams to serve as medical director for the Fire Department, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to authorize the Chief of Police to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the Federal Bureau of Investigation North Alabama Safe Street Task Force, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to authorize the Chief of Police to sign the Cost Reimbursement Agreement with the Federal Bureau of Investigation North Alabama Safe Streets Task Force, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve JPWP No. 23-113, Community Center HVAC Installation, Phase I, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to authorize the Mayor to sign the Assistance to Firefighters Grant for the purchase of two (2) Diesel Exhaust for each Fire Station. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the revised City of Jacksonville Scholarship Guidelines for High School students, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the employment of the following: – Unanimously Approved
    • Breanna Finley, Part-Time Laborer in PARD, effective January 25, 2023, due to the reassignment of Ja Taj Morris.
  • Consider action to accept the resignation of the following: – Unanimously Approved
    • Houston Conger, Part-Time Firefighter/EMT, effective January 9, 2023.
  • Consider action to accept the retirement notification of the following: – Unanimously Approved
    • Easton Parker, Laborer in Street Dept., effective March 1, 2023.
  • Consent Agenda – Unanimously Approved
    • Records Disposal.
    • Boards/Committees.
  • Public comments for general items. – None
  • Council Member Remarks.
    • Councilman Andy Green thanked the Board of Education and all the members for their hard work.
    • Councilwoman Sherry Laster reminded all that the Black History Program will be 2/19/2023 at 2:00 pm and more details would be coming.
  • Mayor’s report.
    • The Mayor thanked all for the good meeting.
  • Any Other Business. – None
  • Consider action to adjourn into an Executive Session under the provisions of the Code of Alabama Section 36-25A-7(a)(6) to discuss consideration for the purchase, sale or lease of real property and Section 36-25A-7(a)(7) to discuss preliminary negotiations involving matters of trade or commerce regarding economic development. – Unanimously Approved

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