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Jacksonville City Council Funds Special Response Team at Council Meeting

Jacksonville City Council

Jacksonville, AL – The Jacksonville City Council met for  their regularly scheduled work session and City Council meeting on Monday, April 24th. 

Jacksonville City Council

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Work Session 

  1. Call to order.
  2. Roll call.
    1. Tony Taylor – Present
    2. Sherry Laster – Present
    3. Coty Galloway – Present
    4. Andy Green – Present
    5. Terry Wilson – Present
  3. Acceptance of minutes. – No discussion
  4. Kiwibot Discussion – Felipe Pinzon
    1. Kiwibot is requesting the city’s authorization to use their autonomous delivery system to deliver outside the JSU property and cross the state right-of-ways. They explained the technology that makes the bots safe for pedestrians and motor vehicles. They also also explained the areas they would like to travel to. These areas mainly are JSU buildings that aren’t connected to the main campus and require road crossings. The area would also include student apartments that are near campus, but again require road crossing. Council members addressed their concerns on safety issues. To see more information on Kiwibot technology please feel free to read an earlier article.  Chief Wood also spoke to ALDOT Officials who recommended that Jacksonville not allow this because there is an existing pedestrian problem. Their thoughts were that this would create a larger issues and Jacksonville would be the first to grant state right-of-way access to autonomous vehicles and there is no precedent set for liability in the case of accidents. They also noted potential ADA issues due the state of the sidewalks if Kiwibiot was allowed access. A representative from JSU said they have had no issues with Kiwibot, but they are also happy with the current agreement and have no issues with maintaining the  current agreement and want to defer to the city on their decision regarding the roadways.
  5. Special Response Team Establishment/Funding – Marcus Wood.
    1. Chief Wood wanted to address the request to create a special response team aka SWAT team in Jacksonville. It was noted that there are several law enforcement officers interested as well as fire paramedics who are interested in joining. The delivery for supply orders is estimated at 30-45 days. The financing would come from Capital Funds. This is earmarked to allow for this type of creation, but the City Clerk did state there is one pot of money. If this is voted on there would still be $3.1 million left in the capital funds account. The initial cost is $160,000. There is minimal recurring cost. The main recurring cost will be training and potential overtime.
  6. Fire Engineer/Paramedic job description – Keith Kadle.
    1. Chief Kadle notes there was a typographical error in the job description. This needs to be emended to reflect a requirement of two year fire employment.
  7. Any other business.
    1. Mark Williams spoke about an ordinance regarding trash and debris. Contractors are using the city’s trash and debris pickup. This is being requested to change and to note that contractors cannot use these service and the contractor is responsible for hauling it off and put the responsibility on the contractors and not the homeowners.
    2. Councilmen Terry Wilson spoke about school improvements and overall costs and plans for Eastwood Schools. He also handed out a flier with existing plans and costs to show perspective partners and participants.
      1. Eastwood School Flier Eastwood School Flier
    3. The Mayor spoke about a vacated position of Treasure. He is recommending that Alberta Grant be appointed to that position.
    4. Councilmen Tony Taylor spoke about about residents not getting information. Not every person is on social media so the best way to get this accomplished is through the water works department. There may be times that the city partners with water works to mail out information. The waterworks is not currently sending out envelopes. They only send out postcards so that expense would have to be covered by the city.

City Council Meeting  

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  • Call to order.
  •  Invocation:
    • Rev. Robert Fowler with St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
  • Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Roll call.
    • Tony Taylor – Present
    • Sherry Laster – Present
    • Coty Galloway – Present
    • Andy Green – Present
    • Terry Wilson – Present
  • Adoption of minutes. – Unanimously Approved
  • Adoption of agenda. – Unanimously Approved with changes noted below
    • Delete item eight: Consider action to enter into an Executive Session under the provisions of the Code of Alabama Section 36-25A-7(a)(6) to discuss the sale of real property.
    • Add: 11a. Consideration of resolution No. R-2178-23 Establishing ad Regulating the Special Response Team for the City of Jacksonville
    • Add: 11b. Consider action to declare the purchase of equipment for the Special Response Team as a purchase under Section 41-16-51, Contracts for which Competitive Bidding is Not Required, Item 15, Code of Alabama and to authorize the Mayor to approve the purchase of any equipment needed, up to $160,000, for outfitting of the Special Response Team.
    • Amend: 26 Consider action to enter into an Executive Session under the provisions of the Code of Alabama Section 36-25A-7(a)(6) to discuss the sale of real property.
  • Proclamations. – None
  • Public comments concerning agenda. – None
  • Consider action to receive the Planning Commission Report and Petition of JPI Holdings, LLC regarding a Street Vacation Request for a portion of Unimproved Alabama Street, NW, and schedule a Public Hearing for same on June 12, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. – Unanimously Approved
    • JPI Holdings Report
  • Consideration of Resolution No. R-2177-23 regarding Emergency Services to Jacksonville State University. – Unanimously Approved
    • WHEREAS, Jacksonville State University (JSU) has approximately 9,500 students in attendance, with many living in on-campus housing; and

      WHEREAS, these students need access to emergency services offered through the City of Jacksonville Fire Department and Police Department in case of any emergency that may affect life and/or property; and

      WHEREAS, the City of Jacksonville Fire Department and Police Department are equipped to handle such emergencies and requires certain approvals to assist in any emergency on JSU property; and

      WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Alabama, wishes to support the Fire Department and Police Department’s efforts to provide emergency services to JSU students, faculty, and employees.

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Alabama, to grant the City of Jacksonville Fire Department and Police Department the authority to offer emergency services to JSU by their best means available to provide such service.

  • Consideration of resolution No. R-2178-23 Establishing ad Regulating the Special Response Team for the City of Jacksonville – Unanimously Approved
    • WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Alabama has determined that it is in the best interest of the City of Jacksonville, to establish and regulate a program for a Special Response Team to be prepared to respond to and resolve high risk situations and emergencies requiring specialized intervention, techniques and equipment, and;
    • WHEREAS, the Special Response Team will consist of sworn officers who have volunteered to the various positions and who have completed a selection process consisting of a minimum of a physical assessment course and interview, and who will, upon selection, will be required to complete the required training.
  • Consider action to declare the purchase of equipment for the Special Response Team as a purchase under Section 41-16-51, Contracts for which Competitive Bidding is Not Required, Item 15, Code of Alabama and to authorize the Mayor to approve the purchase of any equipment needed, up to $160,000, for outfitting of the Special Response Team. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve JPWP #23-119, Test Well at Greenleaf. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the Local Government Administrative Contract with East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission for technical and professional services with JPWP#23-114, CDBG Sewer Projects. – Unanimously Approved
    • Purpose to install test well near property owned by the City of Jacksonville to find a new supply well for the city. The project encompasses two parts; first part to drill the well and test the supply and the second part will be to install permanent pump to support the town if the test well is successful. The finding for the well and supply line will be completed by using ARPA or City funds.
  • Consider action to authorize the Mayor, on behalf of the Water Works, Gas and Sewer Board, to sign the Agency Agreement with Symmetry Energy Solutions, LLC. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the amended job description for Fire Engineer/Paramedic, Range 12- A and request the Civil Service Board’s approval of same. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the employment of the following: – Unanimously Approved
    • Katelyn Grace Pritchett, Part-Time Public Safety Communications Officer, Range 12, effective upon compliance with Ordinance No. 273, due to the resignation of Alan Perander.
    • Chris Aguirre, PARD Spring & Summer Concessions, effective May 10, 2023-September 5, 2023.
    • LeeAnn Smith, Gatekeeper, effective May 10, 2023-September 5, 2023.
  • Consider action to approve the probationary termination of the following: – Unanimously Approved
      • Nicholas James Lamb, Police Officer, effective May 3, 2023.
  • Consider action to accept the retirement notification for the following: – Unanimously Approved
        • Cephus Cannon, Equipment Operator II, effective August 1, 2023.
  • Consent Agenda – Unanimously Approved
    • Budget Amendment Requests.
      •  Fire
        • Increase Account No. 10-02-6102-06-70334 in the amount of $45,048.57 for AFG EMW-2021-FG-07001 received.
      •  Police
        • Increase Account No. 10-02-6101-00-60125 in the amount of $200.00 for restitution.
        • Increase Account No. 10-02-6101-00-60203 in the amount of $1,051.92 for reimbursement of ballistic vest.
    • Purchases Over $7,500.00.
      •  Fire
        • $37,619.46 to Northeast Alabama Regional Communications System for semi-annual dispatch service fees for 4/1/23-09/30/23.
    • Disposition of Surplus Property.
      • Dell GIS Computer – sell on govdeals.
  • Public comments for general items.
    • Julie Shrum spoke regarding the lack of activities that the city provides for kids. She noted that there is no Splash Pad and there are snakes infesting Germania Springs and she wanted to know if the city was interested in having more activities.
    • Jakob Williamson spoke about the State of Law Enforcement meeting that will be held on Tuesday morning at 9:00 am.
  • Council Member Remarks.
    • Councilman Green wanted to remind all of Peace Officer Memorial Day next Monday. He also requested a moment of silence for those lost and to thank all Jacksonville Law Enforcement.
    • Councilwoman Sherry Laster wanted to remind all that it is Teacher Appreciation Week so please find a teacher and thank them. She also noted that five $1,000 scholarships had been given out. May 18th will be the Senior Celebration were they are honored. The winners are below:
      • First Generation
        •  Amberly Mcneal (JCA)
      • Health:  2 scholarships
        •  Jada Giddings (JHS)
        •  Katherine Comisac (JHS)
      • Leadership: 2 scholarships
        • Mason Terrell (JHS)
        • Caitlin Clark (JHS)
  • Mayor’s report.
    • Fair on the Square is 5/20.
    • Cheaha Challenge will also be that weekend.
    • Baseball Finals will be May 15th-19th at Rudy Abbot Field at Jim Case Stadium.
  • Any Other Business. – None
  • Consider action to enter into an Executive Session under the provisions of the Code of Alabama Section 36-25A-7(a)(6) to discuss the sale of real property. – Unanimously Approved

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