August 24, 2021
Budget Work Session
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Tony Taylor – Present
- Andy Green – Present
- Terry Wilson – Present
- Sherry Laster – Present
- Coty Galloway – Present
- Budget Discussion: CSB, Court, Library, City Clerk, Finance, Police and Public Safety Complex.
- PARD – Maintenance person needed for the city buildings; responsibilities include changing light bulbs and fixtures, cleaning gutters, repainting posts, minor repairs to electrical and plumbing, and coordinating contracts with outside contractors.
- Six part time seasonal workers needed for lawn maintenance.
- Civil Service Board (CSB) – 1 meeting per month, no more than 2 called meetings per month. 5 board members. No pay raise in over 20 years for board members.
- Municipal Court – new hire to take over Angela Crane’s position when she retires.
- Library (including Dr. Francis) – Barbara Rowell retiring September 1, 2021. Very small changes from last year’s budget. Looking forward to getting back to programs and events for patrons.
- City Clerk, Finance, Police (including Jail, Animal Control) – Chief Wood Special Operations Unit- for better servicing citizens, warrants are an issue because of the amount of time it takes to be served. Use officers to help with speeding in the circle and helping curb the amount of drug use.
- Animal control requesting assistance with the feral cat problem. Feral cats lead to an increase in rabies and other transmitted diseases. Asking for help with the spay/neuter program.
- Public Safety Complex (PSC) new hires for custodial support
- Any Other Business – No other business
Regular Work Session
- Call to order
- Roll call
- Tony Taylor – Present
- Andy Green – Present
- Terry Wilson – Present
- Sherry Laster – Present
- Coty Galloway – Present
- Acceptance of minutes
- MOU (memorandum of understanding) with BOE (Board of Education) regarding PIO (Public Information Officer) – Discussion of specifics and how duties would be split with the Jacksonville Board of Education. Details will be worked through and addressed as they come up.
- Bill Whittaker Agreement – Certain pieces of language have been changed to make all parties more comfortable. The goal is to be in the new City Hall location by the first of 2024.
- PSC Community Safe Room Operations Plan
- Possible Dumpster Pad installation – Bert Grant presented and noted that where “shelter” was included it t was changed to “safe room”. They also made sure the plan matches with the Calhoun County 911. The new policy allows service animals under the ADA polices. This does not include emotional support animals.
- Possible Dumpster Pad Installations – Mark Stephens spoke about a proposed plan near Pocket Park. His plan to have a dumpster enclosure would be more pleasing to the eye. The city would not be providing the dumpster only the enclosure.
- 911 Radio Discussion – Keith Kadle – The County Commission has not voted to join. Until this is done there is nothing new to add.
- Any other business – Starting today all City buildings will require masks for entry. Councilman Coty Galloway asked about the plan if public meetings are shutdown due to COVID-19. The discussion was if zoom meetings could be conducted in lieu of public meetings. Research is required to determine what may need to be done.
City Council Meeting
- Call to order.
- Invocation: Rev. Jim Wilson RMC Chaplain
- Pledge of Allegiance.
- Roll call.
- Tony Taylor – Present
- Andy Green – Present
- Terry Wilson – Present
- Sherry Laster – Present
- Coty Galloway – Present
- Adoption of minutes – Unanimously Approved
- Adoption of agenda with additions – Unanimously Approved
- Add Consider Action to accept bid report for bid no. 21-07 Meals for Jacksonville City Jail and allow Mayor to sign No. 21-07 to Sodexo.
- Under Boards and Committees Appointment – Heather Watkins, Planning Commission with term expiring 2024 due to the resignation of Jonathan Tomkins.
- Proclamation – No proclamation
- Public comments concerning agenda items – No comments
- Consider Action to accept bid report for bid no. 21-07 Meals for Jacksonville City Jail and allow Mayor to sign No. 21-07 to Sodexo. – Unanimously Approved
- Consider action to authorize the Mayor to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the Jacksonville Board of Education for the Services of the Public Information Officer employed by the City of Jacksonville, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
- Mike Newell spoke about looking forward to this position. It will be voted on by the board of education on Thursday.
- Ben Nunnally thanked the council for their confidence. He is looking forward to this position and being able to point out all the wonderful things in Jacksonville.
- Consider action to authorize the Mayor to sign the Owner and Architect Agreement for the New City Hall Building, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
- Consider action to authorize the Mayor to sign the UniFirst Renewal Agreement for Uniforms and Supplies, per the attached. (East Alabama Cooperative Purchasing Association Contract) – Motion to table item for next meeting. – Unanimously Approved to table for next meeting
- Consider action to approve the revised Jacksonville Public Safety Complex Community Safe Room Operations Plan, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
- Consider action to approve the employment of the following:
- Ben Scott Nunnally, Public Information Officer, Range 23, effective September 8, 2021, and upon compliance with Ordinance No. 273. (new position) – Unanimously Approved
- Consider action to accept the following resignation:
- Jonathan Wilbanks, Corrections Officer, effective October 1, 2021. –Unanimously Approved
- Brody Grider, Firefighter/Paramedic, effective August 29, 2021. – Unanimously Approved
- Purchases Over $7,500.00. – Unanimously Approved
- Boards/Committees.
- Appointment of Heather Watkins, Planing Commission with term expiring 2024 due to the resignation Jonathan Tomkins – Unanimously Approved
- Public comments for general items – No comments
- Council Member Remarks
- Councilman Green thanked all participants in the Census report. He noted Jacksonville’s growth. He noted JamFest featuring Spirit of Mountain Street was a great success as well and he thanked all who participated. He also wanted to welcome Ben Nunnally.
- Mayor’s report
- City offices will be closed on Sept 6th for Labor Day.
- The library will be closed on the Saturday prior to Labor Day.
- He discussed the Dr. Francis Museum and is pleased it is completed.
- Any Other Business – No other business
- Adjournment – Unanimously Approved