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Jacksonville Police Create Path for Community Feedback

Jacksonville Police Department wants your review

Jacksonville, AL – The Jacksonville Police Department has announced they will be using a new feature to help them better serve the community. When a Jacksonville resident, business, or visitor is in need of a police report they will also receive a follow up email with a short survey. The department issued the following statement on their Facebook page:

“We’re happy to announce that the Jacksonville Police Department now sends surveys via email to anyone who fills out a police report with our department. We’re committed to providing excellent service to our community, and we want to make sure it’s easier than ever to let us know how you feel about our interactions.

Filing a police report is one of the most common interactions we have with the public and for many people, it’s their first time meeting us. We want to ensure that we’re courteous, concerned, professional and effective — that’s where your help comes in.
Please keep an eye on your inbox and be sure to respond via the survey link when it arrives. Your opinion is important!”
Jacksonville Police Chief, Marcus Wood, said, “This new program will help our leadership to ensure we are providing the service that the community deserves. We want to make sure that people are having a positive interaction with our police officers even though they are going through a difficult time.” Chief Wood went on to say, “This survey will help us, as a department, to look at training methods and to help teach our officers how to better communicate with the community. We are always looking to keep JPD moving forward in a positive manner, and we need the community to work with us.”
The surveys will be tied in with Jacksonville Police Departments report management system which is used to help the department identify potential patterns of criminal activity. The report management system is a JPD “in-house” system and is only used by department employees. The surveys will only be emailed to victims and/or complainants that need to have a police report filed. Chief Wood also shared that the information collected will be for department use only and will not be divulged to any outside parties. The data will remain within the department so it can be used for comparisons to show any progress or problems.
If anyone from the community has any questions about the new program, they are being directed to contact the Jacksonville Police Department at (256) 435-6448.

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