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Jacksonville State University Police Department Offers Conversation with a Cop

Conversation with a Cop

Jacksonville, AL – On Wednesday, October 5th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm the Jacksonville State Police Department (UPD) will be on the quad to have an open conversation with facility and students. This event was first reported by the Chanticleer’s news editor Anna Barrett.

UPD Campus Relations Coordinator, Adam Green, said this is the perfect time for students and faculty to get to know the officers and staff at UPD. He said it will be a very relaxed environment for attendants to ask any questions or just have a conversation with the staff.

“We will let students and faculty lead the conversation with whatever they want to know,” Green said in an interview.

UPD is partnering with SGA and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion for this three event series. The first of these events was Sept. 7 in the campus bookstore Green said they had a great turn out of students, but hope to see more faculty on Wednesday.

“I’m hoping we get a few more faculty and staff at this one since it’s on the way to lunch,” he said.

There will be a UPD patrol vehicle, GEM vehicle, bicycles and a scooter at the event, according to Green. He said there will also be a chance to meet the staff, as they will be in shifts so there is staff to respond to any calls. This will be a great chance to meet the officer assigned to each residence hall, according to Green.

“If they haven’t gotten a chance to meet the officer assigned to their residence hall, there’s a good chance they will be there,” Green said.

This will be a stop-by event, stay as long as you want, according to Green. He said there will be a variety of refreshments for attendants to enjoy.

The third and final Conversation with a Cop will be in November, more details to come.


For more information, please contact the organizers. For a full list of local events click here

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