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Jacksonville Welcomes New Municipal Judge Prior to City Council Meeting

Jacksonville Welcomes New Municipal Judge Prior to City Council Meeting

Jacksonville, AL – The City of Jacksonville through their PIO, Ben Nunnally, stated, “We were honored to officially welcome Jason Odom to his new position as Jacksonville’s municipal judge in a ceremony tonight at the Public Safety Complex. Here’s Judge Odom being sworn in by Judge Shannon Page, with Jason’s wife Janet looking on. We also threw in a photo of the judge taking on another solemn and sacred task: Cutting the cake celebrating his welcome and the anniversary of Jacksonville’s incorporation (we’re on year 187)!”

The city hosted the welcome reception for the new judge, Jason Odom, Monday at 5 pm in the municipal courtroom at the Public Safety Complex.

The welcoming ceremony was followed by the city’s regularly scheduled work session and city council meeting.

Council Meeting

  1. Call to order.
  2. Invocation: Rev. Jim Wilson RMC Chaplain
  3. Pledge of Allegiance.
  4. Roll call.
    1. Tony Taylor – Present
    2. Sherry Laster – Present
    3. Coty Galloway – Present
    4. Andy Green – Present
    5. Terry Wilson – Present
  5. Adoption of minutes. – Unanimously Accepted
  6. Adoption of agenda. – Unanimously Accepted
  7. Proclamation. – None
  8. Public comments concerning agenda items. – None
  9. Consider action to schedule a Public Hearing on Monday, January 23, 2023, regarding the Retail On-Premise and Lounge Liquor License application of Yamato AL Inc (Stanley Tung), d/b/a Yamato Steak House located at 105 Mountain Street, NW, Jacksonville, Alabama. – Unanimously Accepted
  10. Consider action to approve the Agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Goodwyn Mills Cawood, LLC, for JPWP #23-111, Sidewalk Improvement Project along George Douthit Drive, SW and James Hopkins Road, SW, per the attached. – Unanimously Accepted
  11. Consider action to approve the employment of the following:
    1. Cade Christopher Williams, Firefighter, Range 9, effective upon compliance with Ordinance No. 273, due to the resignation of Alexander Skelton – Unanimously Accepted
  12. Budget Amendments. – Unanimously Accepted
  13. Purchases over $7,500.00. – Unanimously Accepted
  14. Requests to Attend Conference/Training Session with Costs Exceed $1,000.00. – Unanimously Accepted
  15. Public comments for general items. – None
  16. Council Member Remarks.
    1. Council Member Green thanked all all who put the reception together. He also spoke to Assistant Chief Odom and recognizer National Law Enforcement Day.
  17. Mayor’s report.
    1. MLK Holiday is on January 16th.
    2. He also notified all that demotion is still progressing on several properties that have been condemned.
    3. There will also be a ballgame on the 9th.
  18. Any Other Business. – none
  19. Adjournment. – Unanimously Accepted

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