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January 11, 2022
Lee Evancho

Work Session

CEI Services
  1. Call to order.

  2. Roll call.

    1. Tony Taylor – Present
    2. Andy Green – Present
    3. Terry Wilson – Present
    4. Sherry Laster – Present
    5. Coty Galloway – Present
  3. Acceptance of minutes. – No discussion 

  4. Mobile Advertising Ordinance. 

    1. Mark Stephens spoke about this. A gentleman spoke several months ago and there were no current ordinances in place. He took the Clark County, where Las Vegas is in, as a model because he had difficulty locating ideas to model after. The ordnance is broken down for advertising purposes and entertainment purposes. This also adds to the existing food truck ordinances.  This will be reviewed and added to the next agenda. Mr. Stephens also noted that not all the proposed idea was from Clark County. They also took more local ordinances that prohibited it and worked backward. 
  5. Public Safety Pond.

    1. Mr. Stevens did receive a draft report. The senior engineer has been in the hospital with COVID so they sent a draft version just to have something to review. He also requested to wait for the final to share with the council. 
  6. Architect Discussion.

    1. The Mayor did note that he had spoken to Bill Whitaker and he expected a 50% draft submitted this week. Mr. Whitaker also requested a sit down to review it. 
  7. Any other business.

    1. Tony Taylor asked about the hazard mitigation on the agenda. He wanted to confirm this is a renewable item. It was confirmed it is renewed every five years. 
    2. The Mayor also noted the dumpster is on the agenda and he wanted to noted that the city will be running the sewer line to the sewer trap. That is not included in the price. 
    3. He also noted  couple of changes made to the unmanned items. They are very minor and only suggestions. 
    4. Gail DaParma spoke about Great Things in Jacksonville. She wanted to give an update on what was accomplished this past year. One of the main things was the historic signs. The are also making a database of all the signs. They had a total of 39 volunteer age range from 8-78. The database will be part of the cultural tourism project. She has also asked for some sort of city recognition for the volunteers. The next project discussed was the Pokemon that has been an event that is really popular and looked forward to. It gives another outlet for kids and families. This event is hoping to expand it and create a tournament. This could be a benefit for the city. The mural program is still ongoing and hoping to move forward with artist soon. Also the they are working with JSU to write a strategic plan. This will also include the QR program. There was also a suggested list that residents have suggested as possible ideas to include on QR code. That would cost about $25 per location. 

City Council

  • Call to order.

  • Invocation: Rev. Jim Wilson RMC Chaplain

  • Pledge of Allegiance.

  • Roll call.

    • Tony Taylor – Present
    • Andy Green – Present
    • Terry Wilson – Present
    • Sherry Laster – Present
    • Coty Galloway – Present
  • Adoption of minutes. – Unanimously Approved
  • Adoption of agenda. – Unanimously Approved with noted changes

    • Add: Consider action to declare city property located at 2112 Finally St, SW, Jacksonville, AL, as surplus poverty and authorize the Mayor to sign the Warranty Deed between the City of Jacksonville and Calhoun Cleburne Habitat for Humanity for said poverty, per the attached. 
    • Add: Consider Action to approve the following transfer:
      • Michael Angel Demiani-Pinto, Investigator, Range 18, effective January 12, 2022, due to the retirement of Joseph Martin. (Mr. Demiani-Pinto is currently a Police Officer)
    • Add: Consider action to approve the employment of the following:
      • Sallie Josephine Martin, Public Safety Communications Officer, Range 12, effective upon compliance with Ordnance No 273 due to the resignation of Aleah Reed.
      • Savannah Isabella Ervin, Public Safety Communications Officer, Range 12, effective upon compliance with Ordnance No 273 due to the resignation of Kimberly Spicer
    • Amend: Consider Action to accept the following resignations:
      • Kimberly Spicer, Public Safety Communications Officer, effective February 1, 2022.
    • Delete: Consider action to authorize the Mayor, on behalf of the Water Works, Gas and Sewer Board, to sign the Owner-Architect Agreement with Christian & Associates Architects, Inc., for a new Water Works, Gas and Sewer Board Office to be built Church Avenue, SE, per the attached.
    • Add: Consent Agenda
      • General
        • $124,649.00 to Municipal Workers Compensation Fund, Inc. for estimated contribution billing.
  • Proclamation: Human Trafficking Awareness Month – January 2022.

  • Public comments concerning agenda items. – No comments

  • Consideration of Ordinance No. O-634-22 that Creates Section 16-13 (Unmanned Aerial Systems) to Chapter 16 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Jacksonville, Alabama. (First Reading received December 20, 2021) – Unanimously Approved

  • Consideration of Resolution No. R-2122-22 to adopt the Division G, Phase 2, Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan. – Unanimously Approved

  • Consider action to approve the Retail Off Premises Malt/Brewed and Table Wine Beverage License of Amir Saeed, d/b/a AMAL, LLC, located at 1050 Pelham Road South, Jacksonville. – Unanimously Approved

  • Consider action to declare city property located at 2112 Finally St, SW, Jacksonville, AL, as surplus poverty and authorize the Mayor to sign the Warranty Deed between the City of Jacksonville and Calhoun Cleburne Habitat for Humanity for said poverty, per the attached. – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve JPWP No. 22-100, Public Square Dumpster Enclosure, per the attached and authorize the Mayor to sign any necessary documents. – Unanimously Approved

  • Consider action to approve rescheduling the November and December 2022 Work Sessions and Council Meetings to the 1st and 3rd Monday’s at 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm respectively. (November 7 and 21 and December 5 and 19, 2022) – Unanimously Approved

  • Consider Action to approve the following transfer:
    • Michael Angel Demiani-Pinto, Investigator, Range 18, effective January 12, 2022, due to the retirement of Joseph Martin. (Mr. Demiani-Pinto is currently a Police Officer) – Unanimously Approved
  • Consider action to approve the employment of the following: – Unanimously Approved
    • Sallie Josephine martin, Public Safety Communications Officer, Range 12, effective upon compliance with Ordnance No 273 due to the resignation of Aleah Reed.
    • Savannah Isabella Ervin, Public Safety Communications Officer, Range 12, effective upon compliance with Ordnance No 273 due to the resignation of Kimberly Spicer
  • Consider action to approve following promotion: – Unanimously Approved
    • Russell Norman Burgess, Equipment Operator II in the Street Department, Range 12, effective January 12, 2022, due to the promotion of Donald Clark. (Mr. Burgess is currently an Operator I)
  • Consider action to accept the following resignation: – Unanimously Approved
    • Kimberly Spicer, Public Safety Communications Officer, effective February 1, 2022.

    • Aleah Reed, Public Safety Communications Officer, effective January 18, 2022.

  • Consent Agenda – Unanimously Approved
    • Budget Amendments.
    • Purchases Over $7,500.00.
    • Disposition of Surplus Property.
    • Boards/Committees.
  • Public comments for general items. – No comments
  • Council Member Remarks.
    • Andy Green wanted to thank all of law enforcement for the work they do. He also noted how often he saw JPD working over the holiday and served and protected the city. 
  • Mayor’s report.
    • Monday the 17th is MLK and the city offices will be closed. 
    • He also noted Roll Tide
  • Any Other Business. – No other business
  • Adjournment. – Unanimously Approved
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