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Letter to the Editor – CDP Training Disrupted Again: Elected Officials Blamed for Readiness Concerns

Letter to the Editor

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Date Submitted April 2, 2024
Concerned Citizen


This week First Responders will not be training at the CDP. This is a direct result of our elected representatives in Washington D.C. failing to live the oaths of office they have sworn to our citizens. The government may not have technically shut down this week but the last second budget passage before a shutdown caused training to be cancelled at CDP. This is not the first time this has happened. Every time a shutdown looms and a last second CR or budget is passed the CDP is forced to cancel training. This affects the readiness of our entire nation as firefighters, police officers, healthcare workers, EMS workers, and others do not receive the much needed training offered here in Anniston.

In addition, the staff at CDP live with the fear of not receiving a pay check, having to find a temporary jobs, or file for unemployment when these shutdowns occur and cause furloughs. How can we as a nation and community to expect these people who truly love the mission they support to live with this uncertainty and fear.

Finally, these shutdowns hurt our local economy. Students will not be shopping in our local stores or eating at our local restaurants this week. The federal funding and resulting student count at CDP brings tax revenue to every community in the area.

I beg you to please hold your elected officials accountable. Press them to stop the cycle of CRs and threatened shut downs. Ask them to properly fund the CDP as well so the great staff that proudly serve there can train as many Responders as possible. This unique facility, its staff, and students deserve our support and that of our elected officials.

Letter to the Editor

*All Letters to the Editors are Opinion Pieces Submitted by readers. 

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