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Letter to the Editor – Opinion Piece Regarding Addiction Screenings

Letter to the Editor

Calhoun County, AL – We believe that all our residents deserve to voice their opinions. All opinions are from the writer and are not the opinion of Calhoun County Journal. Please feel free to include your name or post anonymously. We will not posts threats or accusations. We encourage reader interaction with this news platform.

Date Submitted November 23, 2023

CEI Services

Submitted by Matthew Goodson


Dear Editor,


As we enter into the holiday season, we see many addicts who wish to wait until after the holidays to seek treatment. They would like to spend time with their families and avoid missing yet another holiday. But what happens in most cases is they use more to get away from the harsh reality of their life that confronts them.

They think there is no way out of the stresses of life and no way out of their addiction. The next thing they know, these anxieties push them to keep using, which could ultimately lead to an overdose and/or death. The realization that you must prioritize your needs over your wants is the most difficult aspect of entering rehab.

I never wanted to become an addict when I was younger. Having a family and becoming an electrician were my goals. I got lost somewhere on that road. One pill turned into many, which turned into an endless amount, and I had no idea how to deal with my problems. One of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make in my life was to go to rehab, but it was ultimately the best one. Who knows where I could’ve ended up if I had put it off.
Matthew Goodson

Narconon can help you take steps to overcome addiction in your family. Call today for free screenings or referrals. 1- 800-431-1754

*All Letters to the Editors are Opinion Pieces Submitted by readers. 

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Letter to the Editor

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