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Letter to the Editor – Opinion Piece Regarding Jacksonville Mill Village

Letter to the Editor

Jacksonville, AL – We believe that all our residents deserve to voice their opinions. All opinions are from the writer and are not the opinion of Calhoun County Journal. Please feel free to include your name or post anonymously. We will not posts threats or accusations. We encourage our reader interaction with this news platform.

Date Submitted June 8, 2022
Concerned Citizen in the MIll Village

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Where is our Jacksonville city council?Is there anybody in an official capacity at our city hall doing a thing about the sad condition of our Mill Village community? Tearing down houses is not the answer. My house is there, am empty lot tears our neighborhood apart. Tearing down houses highlights that the city has NOT done their job in years past.One place to start is enforcing our ordinances. Junk cars, blight, trash and so on. The Mayor can get all concerned when a select few complain about a homeopathic healer sign, but those same people complaining are part of the neighborhood problem.We have “investors” who tell their renters they won’t fix up problems. “Investors” let the houses fall in. So many of these 120 (about) are not occupied by their owners.We’ve had knifings, Life Lift helicopters landing to transport victims (who paid for that?), long time drug dealers conducting their business with no consequences, shots fired, assaults and mid-day breaking and entering thefts, trash and even a person making an old van their place to live in front of a house.Recently, we’ve had a death in an old shed at a property well know to our police. DEATH. The final event. Overdose.When does the Mill Village get a plan to clean up and get things done? North Oaks and Eagles landing seem to get attention from the city. I guess my check book is not big enough to get this neighborhood cleaned up. I hear the new code guy is doing good but has to much work. Hire another person! That’s an excuse.Get a rental inspection program and make those landlords work for their money. Gets those junk houses fixed up.Get a house by house plan to get those nasty places fixed up.I’m challenging the Mayor and EACH council person to drive through the Mill Village streets. Do you think would they want this in their neighborhood? How about next door?If not, why are they tolerating it in mine?Also, I’m not signing this. We all know its true. I’ve seen how the city officials have treated others wanting change and I have no time for that junk.


*All Letters to the Editors are Opinion Pieces Submitted by readers. 

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