We believe that all our residents deserve to voice their opinions. All opinions are from the writer and are not the opinion of Calhoun County Journal. Please feel free to include your name or post anonymously. We will not posts threats or accusations. We encourage our reader interaction with this news platform.
This is a petition to keep the Buckhorn Lake Public, it was never sold or meant to be sold with the Venue beside it.. it was donated for the residents for FREE under the agreement that it would be public … Mayor Willis promised the residents he do whatever it takes to keep it public if it was donated to the City at no cost.. we expect that to stand… We do not believe any business has rights to a donated lake just because it interferes with their “standards” for neighboring properties.
*Editors Note – Official Response from the City of Weaver
“No decision or action has been taken on Lake Buckhorn and no action is pending. Before this item is added to an agenda a public hearing will be held so that all members of the community can speak. If that is scheduled public notice will be given at least seven days prior to the meeting.”
*All Letters to the Editors are Opinion Pieces Submitted by readers.
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