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New Bathrooms and Splashpad to Open on Memorial Day Weekend – Weaver City Council Meeting

Weaver City Council

Weaver, AL – Weaver held the regular scheduled work session and city council meeting on Tuesday, May 9th.


Work Session

At the Work Session Mayor Clendenning addressed the open position for Leadman with the Public Works Department. Currently the Director, Joey Conger, is expected to retire in June and there have not been any applications. The job was originally open through May 15th, but the Mayor discussed extending the open position. If the postion in not filled the Calhoun County Water Authority will have one of their employees sign off on any work that needs done to ensure that the operations continue; however this would be a temporary solution. The ad is currently listed on several job sites.

The update on the bathroom is that it is still scheduled to open on 1-2 weeks. There are several punch list items to be taken care of, but that is slated to be done. The splashpad is also scheduled to reopen and currently the mother board is not working. It is still under warranty and a replacement is being sent. Both the splashpad and bathroom should be open by Memorial Day weekend.

Chief Bunn explained that he had been approached by a food truck vendor who would like to bring at least ten food trucks to the Weaver Park for a food festival. This event would take place after Memorial Day weekend. After discussion the council was very interested in pursuing this event, but needed to work out details regarding business licenses for the vendors.

Councilwoman Hamby wanted to get the status of the three homes that were slated to be demolished and then removed from the list. Chief Bunn explained that one was almost complete, but the other two had not had much work done. He did say he would be in touch with the management company to press for more work and realistic timelines. Greg Pierce also provided research on ownership that he presented to the council as well. the council thanked him for the information.

Councilwoman Hamby also addressed many recurring code violations involving trash and dogs and asked if the council could review the current ordinance that does not allow for expedited enforcement of repeat offenders. An example was given of Oxford who after three violations immediacy cites violators. Councilwoman Hamby also would like the city to create a comprehensive list of addresses that have code violations so the city is in a better position to address those issues.

Councilman McRae wanted to let the council know he had spoken to the owner of Si Señhor’s. They are possibly interested in opening another location or moving their current location to the old Heroes restaurant. This is potentially a new business coming to Weaver.

The Mayor wanted to let all know that the grant for $250,000 that was submitted is still ongoing. The city did not get the first round on money, but they were told different things to do to strengthen the application such as letters from state congressmen. The Mayor is in the process of getting these letters so he hopes to be in a better position on the next round of money.

Mayor Clendenning also addressed the loss of revenue due to being out compliance with the state reporting. As on June 1st this will go into effect, but the city and other municipalities are pursuing other options to hopefully change this for future years and not make this a permanent loss.

The Mayor also mentioned the FFA banquet that was being held after the council meeting. He wanted all to know that 47% of Weaver High School students are in the band and 42% are in the FFA. Weaver High School has two strong programs that are running to present opportunities for students.

It was also mentioned that even though Saks Middle School is being closed those students are not being brought to Weaver. They will be split between the two remaining Saks schools. Reports to the contrary are incorrect.

City Council Meeting

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
    • Councilmember Clint Burns – Present
    • Councilmember Tim McRae – Present
    • Councilmember Cathy Hamby – Present 
    • Mayor Pro Tem Nick Bowles – Present
    • Councilmember Terri Summerlin – Present
    • Mayor Jeff Clendenning – Present
  • Agenda – Unanimously Approved
  • Minutes – Unanimously Approved
  • Department Heads
    • Joey Conger – Absent
    • Chastity Whetstone- No Comment
    • Chief Bush – Chief Bush wanted to address the dog complaints that were mentioned in the work session. Currently the Weaver Police Department has limited space for dogs. They cannot take in all stray dogs that are called in because there physically is not enough room or manpower to care for them properly. The city does pay the Calhoun County Animal Control $200 a month for services, but they are also over capacity so are limited in strays they can take in. Chief Bush has been in contact with the Animal Control Director. The PD does still respond to complaints of cruelty, abuse, and bites.
    • Chief Bunn – No Comment
  • Council Comments
    • Tim McRae – No Comment
    • Clint Burns- No Comment
    • Cathy Hamby wanted to formally request a review of the ordinance governing code enforcement and look at changing it to give the city more latitude in responding to repeat violators.
    • Nick Bowles- No Comment
    • Terri Summerlin – No Comment
  • Mayor’s Report
    • Mayor Clendenning wanted to share the ongoing work in Russell Drive. He is also putting those updates on the City Facebook page and sharing to local groups. The bathrooms and splashpad are set to open by Memorial Day weekend.
  • Public Comments
    • Danielle Presley wanted to thank the Public Works department for coming out when her neighbor placed limbs blocking her mail and trash pickup. Her neighbor was unresponsive in moving the limbs and Ms. Presley was unable to move them all herself. The public works department was able to come out quickly and remove all the limbs.
  • Adjournment – Unanimously Approved



Weaver City Council

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