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Oxford, AL City Council Meeting Summary

Oxford City Council

Oxford, ALOxford held their Regularly called City Council Meeting and Work Session on August 13th 



Work Session

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The Oxford Work Session covered a variety of topics:

  1. Rezoning Requests:
    • Concerns: There were several rezoning requests discussed. A significant concern was the potential rezoning of property across from an elementary school. The worry was about the impact on the school environment, but there is optimism that it could provide benefits like daycare options for local families.
  2. Grant and Funding Issues:
    • Reduction in Grant Amount: There was confusion about a grant originally valued at $3 million, which has now been reduced to $891,000. This grant is associated with a significant infrastructure project. The decrease in funding raised questions about how it will affect the scope and execution of the project.
    • Project Scope: The grant is linked to a project involving a lift station and related infrastructure improvements. There were discrepancies between initial estimates and current figures, complicating the funding and planning process.
  3. Industrial and Infrastructure Projects:
    • Water and Sewer Projects: Grants for extending water and sewer services to Welburn and improving road access at John Willis Road are well into the design phase. Construction is expected to start by late 2024 or early 2025.
    • McIntosh Industrial Park: Changes in project scope and costs were noted. The specific road access improvements were discussed, with follow-up needed on details from Don Hopper, the project manager.
  4. HVAC System for OPEC:
    • Options Presented:
      • Option 1: Replacing the existing HVAC system with a similar one, estimated to cost between $350,000 and $500,000. This option maintains the current system’s limitations, including long refrigerant lines that are prone to leaks.
      • Option 2: Installing a new chilled water system, costing around $800,000. This system would eliminate the long refrigerant lines and potentially last longer (15-20 years). This option was favored for its durability and efficiency but comes at a higher cost.
    • Current Issues: The temporary HVAC unit in use is equivalent to 600 small air conditioners, highlighting the urgency of addressing the HVAC problems at OPEC.
  5. Delta-8 THC Products:
    • Regulatory Challenges: There is concern about the proliferation of Delta-8 THC products in local gas stations. Delta-8 THC is chemically different from Delta-9 THC (the main component of marijuana) and is not yet regulated by the state.
    • Local Ordinances: Discussion focused on implementing local ordinances similar to those in Lincoln to control the sale of these products. The challenge is that companies may alter the chemical composition of products to evade regulations.
  6. Committee Representation and Local Involvement:
    • Montgomery Representation: There were discussions about the need for better representation in Montgomery and the involvement of local officials in various committees.
    • Committee Membership: The status of committee members and their participation was reviewed, with a focus on improving local representation and involvement.

Overall, the session addressed ongoing issues with infrastructure projects, funding adjustments, regulatory challenges with new products, and the need for improved local and regional representation.

City Council Meeting 

  • Call to Order
    • Councilwoman Hubbard – Present
    • Councilman Gardner – Present
    • Councilman Waits – Present
    • Councilman Henderson – Present
    • Councilman Spurlin – Present
  • Welcome/Invocation –  Tommy Screws, Calvary Baptist Church
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of Minutes of July 23, 2024 – Unanimously Approved
  • Old Business – None
  • New Business
    • Public Hearing – to consider a zoning request from Chad Elder to rezone property located at 130 Digby Road from General Business District (GB) to Agricultural District (AG) –
    • No comments
    • Public Hearing – to consider a zoning request from Gerald Grizzard to rezone property located at 214 Old Highway 202 from General Business District (GB) to Residential 1 District (R-1) – No Comments
    • Public Hearing – to consider a zoning request from Bruce and Tammy Collins to rezone property located at 1322 Caffey Drive from Residential 1 District (R-1) to General Business District (GB)
      • The speaker, Sylvia Bentley, briefly addressed the meeting. She expressed support for the proposed daycare across from the elementary school, noting that it would be a beneficial addition. She concluded by thanking the attendees and provided her name and address for the record.
    • Public Hearing – to receive comments on the condemnation notice sent to Shirley V. Ruth Estate for a structure located at 6165 U. S. Highway 78 West to show cause, if any, as to why the structure located on the property should not be condemned – No Comments
    • Ordinance No. 2024- 25 – Ordinance rezoning property located at 130 Digby Road from General Business District (GB) to Agricultural District (AG) – Unanimously Approved
    • Ordinance No. 2024- 26 – Ordinance rezoning property located at 214 Old Highway 202 from General Business District (GB) to Residential 1 District (R-1) – Unanimously Approved
    • Ordinance No. 2024- 27 – Ordinance rezoning property located at 1322 Caffey Drive from Residential 1 District (R-1) to General Business District (GB) – Unanimously Approved
    • Resolution No. 2024 – 75 – Resolution condemning the structure located at 6165 U. S. Highway 78 West. – Unanimously Approve
    • Motion to add two items to the consent agenda to the resolution 2024-80, authorizing the mayor to enter into a mechanical engineering professional services agreement in resolution 2044-81, authorizing the mayor to enter into an administrative contract with East Highland Regional Planning – Unanimously Approve
    • Consent Agenda:
      • Resolution No. 2024- 76 – Resolution approving a Short Term Rental Permit request for 1401 Beck Road, Gary Wiginton.
      • Resolution No. 2024- 77 – Resolution appointing Bill Williams to the Citizens Advisory Board of the Calhoun Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.
      • Resolution No. 2024- 78 – Resolution declaring certain equipment surplus and authorizing their sale/disposal.
      • Resolution No. 2024- 79 – Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a Subaward Agreement between the City of Oxford and the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA)  Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Southern Appalachian Automotive and Aviation Workforce (SAAW) for fund assistance
      • Resolution No. 2024-80, authorizing the mayor to enter into a mechanical engineering professional services agreement in resolution
      • Resolution No. 2024-81 authorizing the mayor to enter into an administrative contract with East Highland Regional Planning
  • Motion to adjourn (next regular Council Meeting, August 27, 2024)

Oxford City Council

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