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Oxford Gears Up for Downtown Litter Cleanup Days

Oxford Clean Up Day

Oxford, AL – Residents and supporters of Oxford are gearing up to participate in an upcoming community event aimed at preserving the charm and cleanliness of the historic downtown area – Downtown Litter Cleanup Days. Scheduled for Saturday, June 29th, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, this initiative invites community members to join hands in maintaining the scenic allure of Main Street.

The event will kick off at Simmons Park, centrally located at 400 Main Street, where participants will gather to receive all necessary supplies for the cleanup, including gloves and bags. Organizers emphasize that this is an inclusive opportunity for everyone to contribute actively to the cleanliness and aesthetic appeal of Oxford’s beloved downtown district.

“We encourage all Oxford residents, both old and new, to mark their calendars for this important community effort,” said Hunter Gentry, Main Street Director of Historic Main Street Oxford. “Our goal is to foster a sense of pride and unity among neighbors while ensuring our downtown remains a welcoming and beautiful place for all.”

For more information and to get involved, interested individuals can reach out to Hunter Gentry via email at hunter.gentry@oxfordal.gov. Gentry is available to address any questions and provide additional details to ensure the success of Downtown Litter Cleanup Days. Let’s come together to keep Oxford clean and vibrant for generations to come.


Oxford Clean Up Day

For more information, please contact the organizers. For a full list of local events click here

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