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Oxford NonProfit Makes Comic Books for Calhoun County Kids

ASAP Comic Cover Photo
  The Agency for Substance Prevention (ASAP)works very hard to educate the residents of Calhoun County about the dangers of substance abuse. They have been creative in their approach from there large pill bottle that is moved form location to location to a variety of events. Thier newest endeavor is a fun way to grab the attention of kids and teach them valuable lessons about the dangers of drugs. At ASAP they have created a comic book called The ASAP Prevenger. The idea came from an intern named Destini Elston, and when Quiera Lane joined the team she picked up where the creative intern left off by working with Miiato Comics to complete the comic book. The ASAP Prevenger is a superhero in a city called Preventionville. She battles substance misuse villains like the (Vaponator) who represents vapes, (Icky Nicky) who represents Cigarettes/ Nicotine, (Lil Boozie) who represents alcohol, and Split Dose who represents pills. She encourages young boys and girls to say NO to drugs!  The comic book is for kids ages 6-12 to comprehend and understand, but ASAP encourages everyone to read their comic book and meet the ASAP superhero .Ms Lane stated “we also have interactive sheets and coloring pages for parents and their child/children to do together. We are distributing the comic book to local schools that ASAP works with during the school year and youth in the community. The comic book is FREE.” ASAP really wants to get the message to young boys and girls to say NO to drugs and how drugs are bad for their health.   If you have any questions please call them at 256-831-4436, our website is asaprev.com, follow us on Facebook at Agency for Substance Abuse Prevention, and thier Instagram and Twitter is ASAP_Prevention.

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