Happening Now

Jacksonville Parks and Recreation is launching its annual Fall Youth Basketball Registration.   This is a fun opportunity for your child or children to make new friends, learn team building exercises, pick up some basketball skills, and of course have fun.  The program is open to ages 5-14 both boys and girls.  The practice times depend on the actual age and team your child is on, but are 5:30pm, 6:30pm, and 7:30pm Monday – Friday.  Game days also will vary based on the team your child is on, but will fall on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.  Individual schedules will be provided once team assignments are made.  Registration details are below:

Registration 10/22-11/15 and is $65

Late Registration is 11/11-11/18 and is $70

There will also be a skills clinic provided by JSU with the date to be determined.  Please stop by or call the community center for more details.