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Piedmont City Council Meeting

City if Piedmont City Council Regular Meeting

Piedmont, AL – During the Tuesday afternoon Piedmont City Council Meeting Mayor Baker told the Council that the regular expenses are $ 375,236.47 cents, the three payrolls are $228,156 dollars with the total operational expenses of $ 603, 392. 47.

The Mayor and Council discussed the 2023-24 Budget. Clerk Hinton said we will have to make some adjustments to have a solid budget. They all


discussed it and there will not be any overtime for city workers unless its pre-approved.

The Mayor informed the Council he is looking for a grant to get specific streets in Piedmont repaired.  Baker said we need this and it will happen. The Council will accept actual’s  with the budget. This was unanimously accepted by the Council.

In visitor comments, Terry Batey and Ashlee Jones spoke to the Mayor and Council about how successful the squirrel drop was. They all look forward to it next year.

Everyone thanked Chief of Police Nathan Johnson for the job he does for the City of Piedmont.

The City Clerk with his comments just wanted to thank all the city employee’s for the job they’re doing.

Mayor Baker wished everyone Happy New Year and expressed his appreciation to all of the Council Members and City employees. He also wanted to remind everyone of the Piedmont Polar Plunge on January 13th at the Piedmont Aquatic Center. He said it’s going to be a great 2024 and we will all work hard.

The next Piedmont City Council will meet on Tuesday January 16th.

City if Piedmont City Council Regular Meeting

Mr. Demarco is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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