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Piedmont City Council Meeting – AirBnb May Be Coming To Piedmont

Piedmont City Council Meeting

Piedmont, AL – The Piedmont City Council met in regular session November 15th, 2022.

This week the Piedmont City Council met and approved the monthly bills for payment totaling $560,295.34. The 2022-23 city budgets were also approved.


The Piedmont Police report for the month of October 2022 listed 29 arrests, 9 of those arrests being felony arrests carrying 17 felony charges. Officers made 842 officer initiated contacts with the public, officers issued 23 traffic citations during the month, and worked 4 traffic accidents, officers were dispatched on 282 calls for service, in those calls, 78 resulted in a report being filed. Officers patrolled a total of 11,288 miles during the month. The dispatch office received 1,790 phone calls. Court collections for the month of October totaled $14,908.19 and $5,581.19 was retained for the city.

The council approved the ABC license application of WM Grocery for the sale of alcohol, including beer, and wine.

The council is considering an ordinance to allow AirBnb and other short term rental dwellings to conduct business in the city of Piedmont. This will require special attention from the Piedmont City Council, because a change of that nature could potentially take away business revenue from area hotels and motels if approved. The ordinance will provide a set of regulations and establish minimum standards, for AirBnB and other similar businesses to operate. A few adjustments will be made to the ordinance before receiving approval by the council.

Mr. Blake is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

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