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Piedmont City Council Meeting Discusses “Undrinkable Water”

Piedmont City Council Meeting

Piedmont, AL – During a recent Piedmont City Council meeting, Councilman Greg South asked about the water at the Piedmont Springs near the Sports Complex. He said he would like to see the area cleaned up and maybe used for area residents.  Mayor Bill Baker asked for the water to be tested to see how pure it is and if it is safe to drink. The test results were disclosed Tuesday evening at this week’s City Council Meeting. The report indicated coliform at 78.9 MPN and E.coli at 1.0 MPN. Mayor Baker said the water from the spring would not be safe for drinking.

In other business handled by the City Council, approval by the Council on a contract with AVENU to handle tax collections for the City.  Resolution 2023-07 was approved which deals with an abatement issue at 115 Calhoun Street. The grass is over grown and attempts to reach property owners have not been successful. So the City will mow the grass and attach a lien on the property for future collection.

Piedmont Police Chief, Nathan Johnson, gave the Police Activity report for the month of April with a total of 37 arrests on 36 misdemeanor charges and 8 felony charges. Officers conducted 706 Officer initiated contacts with public, issued 51 traffic citations, and worked 13 traffic accidents. Officers were dispatched on 336 calls for service with 93 resulting in a report being filed. Officers logged 9569 patrol miles and the Dispatch Office receiving 2145 phone calls, dispatched 372 rescue call, 97 fire calls, and 4 after hour utility calls. Court collections for the month totaled $11,598.76 with the City retaining $4731.75.

Bills for payment were approved in the amount of $378,959.98 and two weeks payroll in the amount of $139, 032.69 for a total of $517,992.67.

The next Piedmont City Council meeting is set for June 6th at 5:30 pm in the Council Chambers.

Mr. Baker is a reporter for WEIS Radio. (Information Provided by WEIS RADIO)

Piedmont City Council Meeting

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